Monday, December 30, 2019
How to Make Blueprint Paper
Blueprint paper is a specially-coated paper that turns blue where it is exposed to light, while areas kept in the dark remain white. Blueprints were one of the first ways to make copies of plans or drawings. Heres how to make blueprint paper yourself. Blueprint Paper Materials 15 mL of 10% potassium hexacyanoferrate(III) (potassium ferricyanide)15 mL of 10% iron(III) ammonium citrate solutionPetri dishWhitepaperTongs or small paintbrushSmall opaque object (e.g., coin, leaf, key) Make Blueprint Paper In a very dim room or in the dark: pour the potassium ferricyanide and iron(III) ammonium citrate solutions together into a petri dish. Stir the solution to mix it.Use tongs to drag a sheet of paper across the top of the mixture or else paint the solution onto the paper using a paintbrush.Allow the sheet of blueprint paper to dry, coated side up, in the dark. To keep the paper from being exposed to light and to keep it flat as it dries, it may help to set the wet sheet of paper on a larger piece of cardboard and cover it with another piece of cardboard.When you are ready to capture the image, uncover the top of the paper and overlay an ink drawing on clear plastic or tracing paper or else simply set an opaque object on the blueprint paper, such as a coin or key.Now expose the blueprint paper to direct sunlight. Remember: for this to work the paper must have remained in the dark until this point! If its windy you may need to weigh down the paper to keep the object in place.Allow the p aper to develop in the sunlight for about 20 minutes, then cover the paper and return to the darkened room.Thoroughly rinse the blueprint paper under cold running water. Its fine to have the lights on. If you do not rinse away any unreacted chemicals, the paper will darken over time and ruin the image. However, if all the excess chemicals are rinsed away, youll be left with a permanent colorfast image of your object or design.Allow the paper to dry. Cleanup and Safety The materials for making a blueprint (cyanotype) paper are safe to work with, but its a good idea to wear gloves since youll be working in the dark and might otherwise cyanotype your hands (turn them temporarily blue). Also, dont drink the chemicals. They are not particularly toxic, but they are not food. Wash your hands when you are done with this project.
Sunday, December 22, 2019
The 20th Century A Revitalization Of Mathematics - 1523 Words
The 20th Century marked a revitalization of mathematics. Mathematicians were becoming increasingly aware of the shaky foundation that the mathematics of the time was built upon. Algebra seemed to change the most by this new move to fix the fundamentals of mathematics. With the intent to reinvent algebra, a group of young French mathematicians joined together under the pseudonym Nicolas Bourbaki. They collectively wrote a textbook named Elements of Mathematics. All the while, they held mathematical seminars that persist to this day. The group seemed to have a great deal of amusement playing the role of Nicolas Bourbaki and remained seemingly unaffected by the vicious world around them (Berlinghoff Gouvea, 2004, p. 55). The world that Nicolas Bourbaki came into was a dark one. The relationship among European countries was becoming increasingly hostile. In America, the president Franklin D. Roosevelt was implementing the New Deal and working to bring an end to the Great Depression. Al though the social projects created by the New Deal significantly helped poor American families, a great deal of Americans remained unemployed. The starvation and suffering of the Depression was certainly still relevant in people’s minds. Mothers had watched their children suffer and their husbands leave in search of work (â€Å"What Ended the Great Depression,†n.d.). While conditions in America were improving, Europe was definitively on a downward spiral. Before the young French mathematics evenShow MoreRelatedEssay about Summary of History of Graphic Design by Meggs14945 Words  | 60 Pagesthe first spokenlanguage. - Cuneiform – Wedged shaped writing, created in 3000BC. Started as pictographs. - With the discovery of cuneiform, there was a knowledge explosion, where libraries were organized filling with tablets about religion, mathematics, and history. Writing enabled society to stabilize itself, and laws were created. - Two by-products of the rise of village culture were the ownership of property and the specialization of trades. - Egyptians used hieroglyphics. - The RosettaRead MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words  | 922 Pagesscholars and students of organization theory. Henk W. Volberda, Chair of the Department of Strategic Management Business Environment and Vice-Dean of the RSM Erasmus University, Netherlands At last, a text that brings organization theory into the 21st century! This is the first organization theory textbook to provide full and informed coverage of a range of contemporary developments in the field. Notably, it includes diverse contributions to organization theory made by critical management studies. It reallyRead MoreStrategic Human Resource Management View.Pdf Uploaded Successfully133347 Words  | 534 PagesThus, with their perspective, there is recognition of the importance of having superior human resources. There is little doubt that organizations will need to invest heavily in their human resources in order to be competitive during the twenty-first century. Management scholar Edward Lawler has described these investment requirements as follows: To be competitive, organizations in many industries must have highly skilled, knowledgeable workers. They must also have a relatively stable labor force since
Saturday, December 14, 2019
One of the Most Important Moment in Your Life Free Essays
The terrible car accident occurred to me ten years ago threatened my life, only a few flashback memories are what is left in my head. It was summer in June and a Saturday night; the rain was pouring like I have seen very few times before. I had just left my mother’s house after a delicious meal along with some of our homemade red wine. We will write a custom essay sample on One of the Most Important Moment in Your Life or any similar topic only for you Order Now In getting ready to go to work I realized that it was late, my Jazz music band, was supposed to start to play music at 10pm in a nightclub twenty miles west from my house.But the pleasant dinner, and mostly the wine, inadvertently caused me to be extremely late. Once on the highway I tried to reduce the lateness by increasing and maintaining high velocity, in several occasions the speedometer was above 130 MPH. When the crash happened I was not wearing the seatbelt; in fact I found myself on the passenger seat. The windshield and the side glasses were reduced in thousands of pieces, many of which were all over me. The absence of glass also facilitated the rain getting inside the vehicle and created more discomfort.The front of the automobile, where the engine was located, had been pushed so much inward that it almost reduced the length of the car in half. I was so furious about the damages that I didn’t even care of my health conditions. The car went down the side of the highway; it was hidden by trees and quite difficult to reach. In fact, the police report stated that I had been unconscious for more than half an hour before someone found me. When I came to senses I did not remember anything, not even what day it was, or why I was in the car. As minutes went by I began to consider the gravity of the situation, as my despair as well.Fully awake and angry still I could not move, my shoulder was hurting and something was obfuscating my sight and it was not the rainâ€â€I later discovered that it was my own blood. At some point I turned my head to the right and saw an old man standing right outside my car’s broken window pushing a piece of fabric against my head. I guess he was trying to stop the blood flow. Thanks to this person, who despite the difficulty, came down almost 30 feet to reach my car I was found, and thanks to this man I was able to receive immediate assistance from the paramedics and be carried at a nearby hospital.Nevertheless, sadness embraces me when I think of him; unfortunately I missed the chance to express to him my gratitude. That night he simply vanished in the darkness. Once the paramedic took me off the car, the race to the hospital was almost pleasant. In the ambulance I will never forget the beautiful face of a relatively young female doctor who gave me the first aidâ€â€she came very close to my face several times in order to check my eyes and wounds on my head.At the destination, I was transported in the emergency room where other people immediately started to cut my clothes off with a pair of scissors, in order to check the integrity of my whole body. Even though it was summer I recall being very cold in that room, and thirsty as well. The numerous and small pieces of glass inside the upper-part of my body required an extensive amount of time to be taken out. During this long procedureâ€â€conducted by only one doctorâ€â€something funny happened. One of the nurses approached the surgery table, came close to my face and said, â€Å"Today boy is your lucky day. â€Å"Why? †I asked, â€Å"Well, at the moment the plastic surgeon is still at the hospital, he was supposed to leave an hour ago but something happened and kept him here†was her responseâ€â€a couple of days later it was explained to me that these specialized doctors are not found frequently in the emergency room. Usually, generic doctors perform these surgeries with significantly poorer results. â€Å"He will fix your ear so well that you would not even notice the scar†she addedâ€â€I had a deep cut behind my right ear, which fortunately enough did not damage any nerves.After those loud nurse’s last words, the anesthetic took over because I don’t remember anything else. As a result, every time I go back with my thoughts to that night I realize how irresponsible I acted. During the days prior to the accident I had a very poo r sleep; that combined with the high speed and heavy rain caused the crash. This traumatic and unique experience will always accompany me. Still, today those memories affect my decision-making processes in order to prevent similar circumstances from occurring again. In the end I surely admit to have learned my lesson. How to cite One of the Most Important Moment in Your Life, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Hip Hop Oppression and Inequality
Question: Discuss many aspects related to this theme. Applying lyrical content to your analysis and incorporating readings, discuss the power of hiphop in discussing oppression and inequality as it relates to police. Answer: In the words of Martin Luther King Jnr, the theme of oppression with regard to race and its application to the Negros in connection to the Montgomery bus sanctions. There are ways, according Martin Luther King Jnr that oppression can be dealt with: through acquiescence, physical violence or through non-violent resistance. In the contemporary world, fireworks have been lit up on dark blue skies with the Hip Hop stars celebrating the holidays through songs in a bid to speak up their minds on free speech and its freedom. These songs cut across socio-political issues. As a matter of fact, Hip Hop is a term that is used to describe the urban youth in the United States of America. In the words of Hazzard-Donald (1996), hip hop is an expression of culture that was chiefly associated with the marginalized American youths of African descent. At its most elemental level, hip hop is considered to be a product of the post-civil rights movement as well as the cultural norms that were primarily driven by the African Americans, Caribbean Americans and the Latin American youths. Some of the notable masterpieces that have been crafted by the hip hop artistes include Talib Kweli The Proud, Public Enemy 911 is a Joke, J Cole Be Free, Bob Marley Get up Stand Up, Kendrick Lamar Blacker the Berry, KRS-One Sound of da police, Ice-T Cop Killer, Immortal Technique - The Other white meat, Eminem We as Americans, Jay Z 99 problems, The Pharcyde Officer, Dead Prez - Police State, Immortal Technique Bin Laden and 2Pacs A Crooked Nigga. These rap aspects of hip hop voice frustrations, alienation and rebellion among the African American youths and this is prompted by their recognition of the fact that they are vulnerable and are marginalized in the postindustrial America. Tupac, known as 2pac, is known for his loyalty for the black people. He is also known to play the rude or bad boy image so as to get what he wanted. When Eminem cites that hed rather see the president dead, he blatantly expresses his frustrations as an American citizen who doesnt take pride in being one. Dead Prez, in his song - Police State, he depicts a society that is deeply rooted into propaganda and civil rights violations. To him, things are not as they seem. Works Cited Collins, Patricia Hill. From black power to hip hop: Racism, nationalism, and feminism. Temple University Press, 2006. Kitwana, Bakari. The hip hop generation: Young Blacks and the crisis in African American culture. Basic Books, 2002. Potter, Russell A. Spectacular vernaculars: Hip-hop and the politics of postmodernism. Suny Press, 1995.
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