Thursday, October 31, 2019
Natural Law Jurisprudence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Natural Law Jurisprudence - Essay Example Jurisprudence implies creating a body of law and methods for interpreting the law, studying the relationships between law and society, and predicting the effects of legal decisions . It is the science or philosophy of law. It applies to substantive law and to the legal system in general. It is based on the fundamental principle of 'just society' which means in a democratic country, all are equal and their rights (personal and property rights) should be protected before law. Judges apply it without favor or fear. Jurisprudence implies creating a body of law and methods for interpreting the law, studying the relationships between law and society, and predicting the effects of legal decisions.(Wikipedia) . The purpose of jurisprudence is to "achieve social order through subjecting people's conduct to the guidance of general rules by which they may themselves orient their behavior" (Fuller 1965, 657). The word ' Teleology is derived from the Greek word 'telos, which means "goal", purpose".(- page : socillogy 3rd ref ). The ancient world was permeated by teleological thought, that is, a belief that everything has a pre-ordained purpose - there's a pattern to the world and to each thing in it . (Socrates, Aristotle, the Stoics - also the Oracle in The Matrix). It is based on the Greek concept of 'eudemonism' which means that people live a satisfying life based on Universal laws. The Greeks viewed the universe as self correcting." The state, like all things, has a certain end. A just state is one that is organized in such a way as to achieve this teleological purpose."( Plato : The Republic)."Within the state, every person has a role or function, and 'just conduct' lies in fulfilling his or her role. "( Aldous Huxley's novel Brave New World). Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas were great supporters of teleology .Whether " Natural Law Jurisprudence automatically lends itself to the teleolo gical approach" In order to analyze this question , first we have to understand the characteristics of Natural law and teleology . Natural Law Jurisprudence has the following distinguishing features which separates it from teleological law . i. Natural law is universal and unchanging - it's always available to legislators, judges and citizens of any jurisdiction in the field of justice - correcting wrongs and distributing goods (Harris) ii. The sources of natural law are customs, usages, case laws and precedents iii. It is discoverable by human reason iv. Natural law attempts to analyze, explain, classify, and criticize entire bodies of law, ranging from contract to tort to constitutional law. v. It commands obedience from people and people obey it in moral sense. vi. In the US and many parts of the world, Natural Law has become very much influential. vii. International law derives its validity from natural law. International Law is based on the principles of Natural law jurisprudence. UN Charter recognizes natural rights, and principles. viii. The formation of the
Monday, October 28, 2019
Danshui Plant recommand for managemnt accounting perspective Essay Example for Free
Danshui Plant recommand for managemnt accounting perspective Essay Danshui Plant No.2 is facing insufficient information for Wentao Chen, manager of Danshui Plant, to evaluate the performance of their production for the first quarter of their contract to assemble the Apple iPhone4. They were anxious as their target to produced 200,000 units of iPhone per month was unachievable as they could only produce 180,000 of units per month. Wentao Chan had called Jianye ma to request a summary of monthly operations, unfortunately Bingqian Li was uncomfortable with the report. In order to know what really going on, Li wants to prepare the flexible budget to compare the actual performance to the budget. Use of flexible budget allows the management to have a control and real time monitoring of business operations. This is because, it is prepared with the different line values for different sales projections. Besides that, it is become useful planning tools and help to react to the changes more efficiently. Since the company does not have enough information about the shortage of production of iPhone, the company still need to consider the possible causes of the problem. For examples, the problem may caused by the weaknesses of the plant that is used by the company to produce the iPhone. As we know before this, the plant is used to produce the computer hardware, and now it is used to produce the iPhone. Here, we can see that the capacity of the plant is unable to produce the iPhone. Besides, we know that the company need to produce more than 200,000 units of iPhone every month for the rest of 9 months dues to the shortage of the plant to produce the desired quantity of iPhone that being set by the company target, they should upgrade the maintenance of the plant that suits to assemble the iPhone. Besides that, the company can outsource some of the part of the iPhone from other company so that they could focus on the assembling the process only. By doinfg this, more labor could be assigned to assemble the iPhone and as a result, the amount of production will be lower due to the reducing in labors and material cost. Indirectly, all the material cost in producing the parts will be much lower as it will be taken by the outsource company. Apart from that, the ability or skills of labours needs to be enhanced. There is no point if the capacity of the plant can be increase to produces more parts but the labours still assemble the same amount of the iPhone. Therefore, as a solution, Danshui Plant need to held an speed and short training program that could enhance the skills of their labours in order to achieved the target. As we know that the program might consumed times, but the results will be better. More labor can be hire and let them to experience such program to perform better than before. The increasement in labor cost will be covered by the material cost that is reduced due to the outsource activity before.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Theory Of Reasoned Action
Theory Of Reasoned Action CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.0 Introduction This chapter will deals with survey of literature review in the area of online purchase intention and perceived risk and its determinants. This section will discuss the dependent, independent and mediating variables and the relationship among the variables that might influence consumer perceptions of perceived risk towards online purchase intention. Researcher was replicates the framework from the study Factors influencing consumer perceptions of brand trust online by Hong-Youl Ha, 2004 and The influence of prior experience and age on mature consumers perceptions and intentions of internet apparel shopping by Wi-Suk Kwon and Mijeong Noh, 2009. The reason to choose this framework are because, this framework seem like fit with Malaysian culture and tradition. Although researcher was replicate the framework but some changes were made, which is researcher will combine both of the frameworks into one new framework and will test the framework into different setting of place. 2.1 Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) To make some improvement for the past studies, researcher will apply the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) by (Fishbein, 1980) and Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) by Ajzen in 1991. Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) by Fishbein, 1980 was developed to explain how a consumer leads to a certain buying behavior, this theory asserts that attitude toward buying and subjective norm are the antecedents of performed behavior. Two antecedents which are (attitude and subjective norm) influence the purchase behavior additively (Ha, 1998). Two important propositions underlying the theory of reasoned action offered by Lutz (1991) are the first one is to predict a purchase behavior, it is necessary to measure a persons attitude toward performing that specific behavior, not only the general attitude toward the object around which the purchasing behavior is. The second one is, in addition to the attitude toward the behavior, TRA includes a second determinant of overt behavior namely the subjective norm (SN). SN is intended to measure the social influences on a persons behavior such as family members or friends and colleagues expectations. Sometimes in some situations expectation o f relevant from others may be a major factor in ultimate behavioral performances and simply not under the attitudinal control of individuals. Another study Lada et al., 2009, claim that according to the TRA, a persons intention is a function of two basic determinants, which are one personal in nature and the other one is reflecting social influence. The personal factor is the individuals positive or negative evaluation when performing the behavior and this factor is termed attitude toward the behavior. The second determinant of intention is the persons perception of the social pressure put on him or her whether to perform or not to perform the behavior in question and this factor is termed subjective norm since it deals with perceived prescriptions, (Ajzen and Fishbein, 1980). According to Ajzen and Fishbein, 1980), attitudes are a function of beliefs when someone believes that performing a given behavior will lead to mostly positive outcomes they may hold a favorable attitude toward performing the behavior, contrary a person who believes that performing the behavior will lead to mostly negative outcomes then they will hold an unfavorable attitude. The beliefs that underlie a persons attitude toward the behavior are termed behavioral beliefs while subjective norm is a function of beliefs that specify individuals or groups to think whether they should or should not perform the behavior and these beliefs which is underlying a persons subjective norm termed as a normative belief. A person who believes that most referents with whom they are motivated more to comply think, that they should perform the behavior will receive social pressure to do so (Lada et al., 2009). 2.2 Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) The second theory is Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), which is proposed by Ajzen in 1991 as an extension of the first theory discussed above which is theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) (Fishbein, 1980). (Ajzen and Fishbein, 1980), the TPB has been used by many researchers over the past 20 years and its shown to be able to predict a variety of intentions and behaviors perform by persons. According to Ajzen (1991), a persons action is determined by their behavioral intentions, which in turn are influenced by an attitude toward the behavior and subjective norms as discussed above. (Azjen, 1991), behavioral intentions are factors that capture how people are willing to try to perform a behavior, behavioral intention also the most influential predictor of behavior and its shown that in TPB constructs, intention was a better predictor of behavior. In the TPB, attitude toward the behavior is defined as ones positive or negative feelings about performing a specific behavior and determined through an assessment of ones beliefs regarding the consequences which is arising from ones behavior and an evaluation of the desirability of these consequences. 2.3 Conceptual Definition of Dependent Variable (Online Purchase Intention) It is best to start this study by explaining what an online purchase intention is it in order to give some idea and to dispel some common misconceptions that might occur. Purchase intention can be defined as a plan to purchase a particular goods or services in the future. Purchase intentions is the likelihood that a consumer will buy a particular product in which resulting from the interaction of his or her need for it, attitude towards it and perceptions of it and of course from the company itself which produces the products or services (J. Baker, 1998). This study using definition from (Azjen, 1991), behavioral intentions are factors that capture how people are willing to try to perform a behavior, behavioral intention also the most influential predictor of behavior, intention also was a better predictor of behavior. 2.4 Conceptual definition of Mediating Variable (Perceived Risk) Risks is a part of everyday life and always come as a routine in between us and exist when there is a less than 100 percent probability that things will turn out as someone expected will happen (Baeur, 1967). Risks are different for different persons, according to Martin and Camarero (2008), some people view risk as a their inability to value the quality of the product directly, lack of personal contact with the salesperson, the cost involve of learning on how to use the internet, cost switching different channels, security of payment and personal information. Whilst others, view risk as a (Stone and Gronhaug, 1993) degree of uncertainty about the outcome of an action which might carries the possibility of physical harm or damages. Manzano et al., 2008 offered six dimensions of perceived risk which are security risk, privacy risk, performance risk, time loss risk and social risk. Whilst Beardon and Mason, 1978 proposed different dimensions of perceived risk namely, financial risk, social risk, performance risk, psychological risk and physical risk. Although there are different kind of names or term used but the meaning is quiet same in a context of online shopping. Financial risk or security risk share a same meaning, it can be incurred when customers financial circumstances are damaged because of loss of money in cash or via credit card (March, 2006; Manzano et al., 2008). Social risks come through purchasing process that is perceived to be down-market (March, 2006). Littler and Melanthiou, 2006 found that social risk is concerned with the possibility of attracting unfavorable attention and response from purchasing a particular product. Consumer attitudes to the different methods of purchasing highly depend on their characteristics. Performance risk according to (Littler and Melanthiou, 2006) is concerned with how well the product perform relative to expectations for example, the lack of personal contact with a salesperson prevent the consumer from correctly evaluating the characteristics of the product which in turn decreasing confidence (Ba, 2001) among consumer. It is good if consumer can try out the product they will buy before they make a payment, (Gerrard and Cunningham, 2003) in their study reveal that the opportunity to conduct a trial before make payment provides the necessary confidence to consumers with high perceived performance risk. Whilst March 2006, implies that performance risk is occur when a product does not fulfill its functio n as expected especially services which may take risk time wasted in waiting. Time loss risk happen when consumer incur time costs from using online purchasing, the time of learning how to buy on a certain products, the time to wait for respond or the time for searching process( Littler and Melanthiou, 2006). Physical risk leading with purchases that might include products which are unsafe or will cause physical harm to the user or in services, allow customers to take risks whilst undertaking risky activity such as cycling (March, 2006). The last dimensions of perceived risk are psychological risk, which may be caused by consumers wearing unfashionable clothes, leading to the social risk of not fitting in and in turn will decrease confidence level among consumer. We do not always accurately perceive the threats of risks, accurately understanding and effectively eliminating or limiting risks are part of the survival and safety especially in online industry. Risk management must be an active part of facility marketing manager duties, risk should be well manage to control the financial and personal injury loss from sudden, unforeseen, unusual accident, and intentional torts (Ammon et al., 2004). In summary, for the purpose of this study, perceived risk can be summarize as a degree of uncertainty about the outcome from an action which carries the possibility of physical harm especially in financial and information fraud. Hence, this study assumes customer perceived risks are all the six dimensions discuss above which are, security risk, privacy risk, performance risk, time loss risk and social risk. 2.5 Conceptual definition of Independent Variables 2.5.1 Security Theres a various definition of security, Yoo and Donthu, 2001; Wolfinbarger and Gilly define security as to protecting the user from the risk of fraud and financial loss. According to (Milne et al., 2004), security often breaches of internet transmissions and databases enable the unauthorized use of consumers confidential information from third parties such as, name, address, password, social security and credit card numbers and, often result in identity theft. In reality, the prospect of privacy losses and information misuse in e-commerce settings may offset any convenience, time, and financial savings afforded to consumers thus by providing security for consumers will lead to customer satisfaction and in turn will decrease risk perception among consumers. Unfortunately, security breaches are occurring at a growing rate from time to time. Indeed, Miyazaki and Fernandez (2001) found that internet users highly concerns with regard to online shopping were privacy, system security breaches from third parties in which due to faulty technological security and security breaches in the form of fraudulent online retailer behavior. Security plays a vital role on customer trust and customer satisfaction, thus by providing security to consumers will lead to brand trust and would expect (Mayer et al., 1995) security decrease risk perceptions among consumers. On the other hand, Krisnahmurthy (2001) also found that consumers who experience positive security leads to improvements in the levels of familiarity on the web, accordingly security should affect brand trust as well as decrease risk perceptions. 2.3.2 Privacy Consumers patronizing an online service which requires the regular transmission and remote storage of confidential information may perceive elevated concerns regarding threats to the privacy of their personal and confidential information is very important during online transactions (Mauricio et al., 2007). Privacy refers to protection of personal details implicit or explicit agreement and not to sell or exchange the personal information gathered from consumers during transactions (Yoo and Donthu, 2001; Wolfinbarger and Gilly, 2003). Another definition of privacy from (Parasuraman et al., 2005) is the claim of individualsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦to determine on when, how, and to what extent information about them is communicated to others. (Caudill and Murphy, 2000; Sheehan and Hoy, 2000) proposed in their studies that consumer concern for information privacy is considered one of the most important issues nowadays. Fried (1998) was one of the earliest modern scholars to evaluate the notion of privacy; he argued that privacy is especially valuable since it allows people to conduct online transactions that result in trust, which would not be possible in the absence of privacy. Caudill and Murphy (2000) argued that both public and private information should be included in the debate regarding privacy since technologies today are making it increasingly easier to move private information into the public domain, which will cause consumers serious concerns regarding their private information. If the private information going into public meaning that, there is no privacy at all and this will cause distrust among customers and will lead to unsatisfied customers. 2.3.3 Brand Name Theres are various definition of brand, one of the definition is proposed by Bennett, 1988 claim that a brand is a name, term, sign, symbol, design, or any combination of these concepts, used to identify the goods and services of a seller. Keller (1998) states that brand name are one of the main factors facilitating the development of brand awareness or familiarity. The more specialized and reputable a brand name is in selling or recognizing the product or service, the more highly will its brand trust be perceived by consumers. Choosing a brand name for a consumer product or service is so critical that some writers argue it is one of the most important marketing management decisions that marketing manager should take highly considerations about choosing a brand name (Landler et al., 1991). A well chosen brand name can provide a customer with a symbolic meaning which assists in both the recognition of the product and the decision-making process (Herbig and Milewicz, 1993), it is also can produce a number of specific advantages including suggesting product benefits (McCarthy and Perault, 1990), contributing to brand identity, simplifying shopping, implying quality (McNeal and Zerren, 1981), evoking feelings of trust, confidence, security, strength, durability, speed, status and exclusivity and at the end of the day can decrease risk perceptions (Shimp, 1993). The more positively the persons perceived the brand, the higher the consumers brand awareness and loyalty, allowing the firm to command larger margins, higher market share, more inelastic consumer response to price increases, less vulnerability to competitive activity, increased marketing communications effectiveness, additional brand extension opportunities and other competitive advantages such as distribution leverage, customer satisfaction and as well as decrease risk perceptions (Keller, 1998). 2.3.4 Word of Mouth Word of mouth (WOM) plays a vital role in consumer behavior because Word of mouth (WOM) would affect purchase and intention to purchase and also experience of other consumers by conveying their consumption experience of others, namely the satisfaction or dissatisfaction after the purchasing process occur. WOM is commonly defined as informal communication about the characteristics of a business, services or a product which occurs between consumers (Westbrook, 1987). Most importantly, WOM also allows consumers to exert both informational and normative influences on the product or service evaluations and purchase intentions to fellow consumers (Bone, 1995; Ward and Reingen, 1990). According to Ha, 2004, WOM has been shown to influence awareness, expectations, perceptions, attitudes, behavioral intentions and behavior towards a product or services. Online shopping consumers will perceive higher purchase risk than that of the traditional shopping since the purchase occurs in virtual space rather than face to face transactions. They will accordingly rely more on WOM information to reduce uncertainty and purchase risk to make decisions (Kim and Song, 2010). According to Assael (1995), since online shopping has higher purchase risk than face to face interactions, (Richins and Shaffer, 1987) consumers carry out WOM action to obtain market information while making buying decision especially consumers who rely more on WOM as they perceive higher risks. Nowadays, there a growing body of evidence that the internet based opinion mechanism influence consumers when making a purchase such as blogs, social network (facebook, myspace, twitter) (Hong, 2006) and this is a new form of word of mouth communication and is known as electronic Word of Mouth (e-WOM). e-WOM is any positive or negative communication among the potential, current or former customers about a product, services or company that is available to public on the internet. Indeed, (Sen, 2008; Sen and Lerman, 2007) claimed that the impact of e-WOM is not as effective as the traditional face to- face word of mouth (WOM). In contrast, Steffes and Burgee (2009) found that the information gained from the e-WOM forum is more influential and beneficial in decision making process rather than speaking with friends in person (WOM). 2.3.5 Good Online Experience Often consumers tend to remember best the last experience they encounter (the recency effect): thus, one positive experience may be sufficient to alter perceptions of more than preceding negative experience, and vice versa (Ha, 2004). Experiences are sometimes confused with services, but experiences are as distinct from services as services also distinct from goods because experiences exist only in the mind of the individual. They are rich with emotional, physical, intellectual, or spiritual sensations created within the consumer during transactions (Kotler et al., 2005). According to Pine and Gilmore (1999), An experience occurs when a company intentionally uses services as the stage, and then goods as props to engage individual customers in a way to create a memorable event that consumer will remember best. The more satisfied the customer with the experience that the web sites offer, the more durable is the relationship among consumer and that particular brand (Buchanan and Gillies, 1990), and the relationship is highly depends on the customers experience, whether positive or negative experience. Experience plays a vital role in trust by making it possible to compare the realities of the firm with customer preconceived expectations. Ganesan (1994) goes further, and views experience as an antecedent to build brand trust among customers which in turn will lead to making purchasing. Usually customers expect Web sites to offer them not just a message, but a positive experience such as, security and privacy, ease of use, web site design and aesthetic elements and interactivity. The ease of use of the web sites is important factor which refers to the layout and design of the web site and the ease of making ones way around it, how the users perceives and interacts with the site, and how easy t o use it (Nielsen, 1999). While (Steur, 1992) covers the web sites design and aesthetic elements as a representation of the web site environments, associated with its formal characteristic such as graphics, colors, images, icons, animated sequences, videos and pop -ups which will influence customer to trust the web site as well as to proceed at the end action which is making purchasing. (Yoo and Donthu, 2001) claim that these elements has contribute to the atmosphere of the web site and are important in evaluating the web site experience. Thus, if the web sites offer all of this experience to customer will lead to customer satisfaction and build brand trust among customer thus will decrease customer risk perception. General speak in detailed, the fact that it easy to access and use the site, including the access speed and the overall guide design and layout, as well as the information provided; requirement fulfillment refers to whether the sites handling and goods delivery in a systematic way; system accessibility refers to whether the site has been technology based or still using a traditional based, or is vulnerable to attacks; and privacy, also known as security, refers to whether the site can keep the customers information secret and payments safe (Sheng and Liu, 2010) are experience that customer want in which we can called it positive experience will lead to customer satisfaction and purchase as well as to build brand trust. 2.3.6 Quality of Information There is various definition of information. Some writers make no distinction between data and information (Wang et al., 1998) while some writers see the differences as most crucial (Tozer, 1999). Information is logically derived from theories or principles, it is an artifact. The producer of information has an intention to produce a symbolic meaning of certain entities or events, put it into a context, assign it into a pre defined meaning and then transmit the information into receiver. The producer of information expected that the receiver will capture the meaning as intended (Lillrank, 2002). Consumers search for information in their pre-purchase search process for a product or service they intend to buy thus, by providing effective information does lead to improved awareness and brand perception among consumers (Aaker and Joachimsthaler, 2000; Ha, 2002; Keller, 1998), particularly for individuals with high brand trust and high perceived risk (Duncan and Moriarty, 1998). Many online buyers indicate that their buying decisions mostly depend on the information offered online (Long Ching, 2009). Bickart and Schindler (2001) found that consumers who gathered information from online discussions namely electronic word of mouth (e-WOM) reported greater interest and intention to buy in the product than did those consumers who gathered information from the marketer-generated sources. The main reason for this is highly likely to be the trust issue as raised in a study by Sen (2008). Customized information has become more important in internet nowadays based applications due to the multitude of choices that are available on the internet (Simonson, 2005; Ha, 2002). (Ha (2002), has shown that internet users are very interested in customized information offer by the web sites be this is because mostly firms today have added value by providing appropriate information to simplify the customers decision making process (Murthi and Sarkar, 2003). In addition, the source of the information is very crucial for a message to be effective and reliable and it often depends on the receivers perception of the senders trustworthiness and expertise (Kiecker and Cowles, 2001) they also suggest that the information also must be perceived believable, competent, valuable and trustworthy for information recipients. (Robinson and Kaye, 2000), found that consumers, who relied on online sources for more information, rated the online sources as more credible than other sources, so it is important tasks for managers to provide quality information online to gain trust from customers. Meyvis and Janiszewski (2002) reveal that irrelevant and lack in quality information will weakens consumers belief in the products or services ability to deliver the benefit. Hence, whether perceived quality of information is provided and, if it is provided, the quality of customized information for customers, also highly influence the level of brand trust and custom er satisfaction on the web (Ha, 2004). 2.4 Relationship among the Variables Individuals who perceive a low risk in online buying likely make decisions more quickly and less likely to take into account aspects outside of the web site. In contrast, individuals who are more fearful will behave in a more cautious way, searching for external information that warrantees a successful buying decision to decrease uncertainty in internet purchase (Martin and Camarero, 2008). Bhatnagar et al., 2000, reported that consumers were less likely to shop online in which perceived product performance risk was high than those with low product performance risk, consumers perceived risk negatively influences their intention to purchase products online. Customer who satisfied with the security, privacy and online good experience offered by the web sites will experience lower perceived risk and will have effect on the purchase intention. (Chen and Hsin, 2008) results show that consumers perceived risk towards specific online retailer with regards to purchase intention was influence by trust. As consumer trust increases because of decreasing perceived risk will influence consumer to make purchase (Chen and Hsin, 2008). 2.5 Summary This chapter reviewed literatures on consumer perception of perceived risk towards online purchase intention in detailed. Based on the findings from literature reviews, definition conception of online purchase intention, perceived risk, security, privacy, word of mouth, brand name, good online experience and quality of information are developed. In the last part of this chapter, the relationship between independent variables, mediating variable and dependent variable are constructed. Conceptualizing definitions of variables is important in order to construct a research framework in which would be discussed in chapter 3.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Computer and I :: Personal Narrative Writing
Computer and I Well, what can I say about the long history that computers and I have had. I can hardly remember a time when a computer was not part of my life. Ever since I was in elementary school I can remember going to the computer labs to learn all about computers. Back in the day though; this was fun stuff, all you did was go to the labs for a couple of hours and play computer games. I remember playing countless hours of Oregon Trail, but that also has to do with the fact that to play one games takes the longest time. The next step in my history with computers was the word processor. This was something my sister asked for on her birthday. The word processor days were not that bad. It was just like using a typewriter but being able to erase your mistakes. It was also interesting because if you wanted to you could switch it to typewriter mode and it would type without using the computer screen and so it was just like using an old typewriter. Some people might think that a word processor might be a little primitive but it is not. You could do many things with it, why everything the word processor programs have on your computer it used to have. You could do spreadsheet and most of the things that Microsoft programs can do now. Later on; my family purchased a computer, here is where things got kind of hard but better at the same time. Since I was young when we got it there was no need for me to be messing with the complicated things. All I ever did on it was use it for pure entertainment. Computers were fun then; but only when you where playing games. Soon came the years when I actually had to sit down and write a paper for class.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Lydia Hall
Lydia Hall’s theory of core, cure, and care theory can be easily integrated into practice. The core aspect of her theory describes the person that nursing care is directed towards and the individuals behavior due to their feelings and value system. The cure component is the attention given to patients by medical professions. These include interventions or actions that can be used to treat or cure the illness or disease that the individual may be suffering from. The last element, care, is about nurturing the patient and providing comfort measures. This also includes providing patient teaching.An example used to integrate Lydia Hall’s theory will be a patient that has just found out that he has diabetes type 1. The patient may first be overwhelmed at the thought of managing the disease, fear of being alone and fear of the disease in itself which describes the core aspect of the theory. In the cure component the actions that nurses may take is to perform physical assessmen ts including glucose level, assess respirations for Kussmaul respirations and acetonic breath, monitor temperature, moisture, weight, assess diet compliance, and intake and output.The interventions nurses can provide the patient is to maintain fluid intake at least 2500 ml per day to prevent dehydration. Also, a comfortable environment should be provided and inform of covering at night with a light sheet which would prevent overheating and excessive fluid loss. Lastly, the element of care provides the patient with education and discharge planning such as teaching of how to give insulin, checking blood sugar, exercise rules and dietary changes.Open communication assists the patient in being comfortable in asking questions and expressing fears of disease management, emotional and or social issues due to lifestyle changes. Lydia Hall’s Care Cure Core model suggests that patients have three needs of care: the physical, the medical, and the social needs. This encourages open commu nication between patients and nurses. Nurses responsibility when using this model is to provide physical, emotional or social support, educating patients and through medical managementPatient outcomes would be improved self esteem including confidence and motivation in managing their disease such as in diabetes self injection of insulin. Patients would also be more knowledgeable in the disease process such as importance of checking blood sugar and identifying symptoms of hypo and hyperglycemia. This model helps build rapport between the patient and nurse by assisting them to communicate their concerns and apprehensions pertaining to disease management.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
The Issue of Pesticide Content in Soft Drinks Essay Example
The Issue of Pesticide Content in Soft Drinks Essay Example The Issue of Pesticide Content in Soft Drinks Essay The Issue of Pesticide Content in Soft Drinks Essay In the August 10, 2006 news article of The Times of India, reports were made that after coming out from a cabinet meeting of the state’s Left Democratic Front (LDF) government, Kerala’s Marxist Achuthanandan said, â€Å"Neither Coke nor Pepsi can manufacture or sell their products in Kerala. Their licenses are being scrapped as well†(Surendran, 2006). Although LDF has been hostile towards the two multinational companies due to the over-extraction of groundwater by their bottling plants in Palakkad, it was the Centre for Science and Environments (CSE) campaign against alleged pesticide residues in colas produced and sold in India by Coke and Pepsi that has influenced the pronouncement. Though the cola producers might have not directly applied pesticide to the crops and instead, the traced pesticide residues might have come from the groundwater as seepage from other plants to which chemical have been applied, the fact remains that there is pesticide in the colas that are being used in Coca Cola production in India. In the latest news regarding traces of pesticides in colas in India, Sunita Naraian, a director of the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) and a New Delhi-based NGO, said that â€Å"the governments own committee had found pesticides in the products†before the Supreme Court. She further maintains that the government must agree to fix a mandatory standard for the drinks (Surendran, 2006). Conclusion In the beginning, soda’s or soft drinks were the natural choice preferred by drinkers because they equated bubbly drinks to wellness of health. But as time progressed, various additions and revisions have been made to soft drinks, which tickled the palates of its drinkers such as changing the sweetening agents and enhancing its appearance and packaging. These are the factors that cannot be found in water which makes millions of its drinkers prefer sodas or soft drinks over water, or any other noncarbonated beverage. Further, too many of its drinkers formed the habit of consuming it because of the addictive properties contained by some of its ingredients, thus resulting in the continuous patronage of the product regardless of the health problems found to have been caused by consuming it. The manufacturing processes involved in the production of sodas or soft drinks have changed in various ways too, from backyard operation to the modern soft drink industry operation. Although primitive to our standards today, the owners back then used to make the final products by themselves and were in close contact with their customers to check for comments or criticisms and to make necessary actions accordingly before the final product is produced. In modern times, the syrup mixture is produced by the soft drink companies and then delivered to the independent bottling companies all over the world that are licensed to sell the drink. One problem that faces the industry and questions the above-explained practices of soft drink companies is the issue of the pesticide residue in colas, which are used to produce soft drinks in India. Since there is no ample supply of safe drinking water in India and companies have to get underground water to supply their production needs, there comes a problem of quality soft drink production. Since underground water is susceptible to pesticide seepage, due in part from the agricultural practices of this region, the ingredients for making soft drinks becomes susceptible to pesticide contamination as well. Here is one specific display of the effects of soft drinks in the food web. Since the primary producers, which are the plants that produce the key ingredients for the soft drinks formula are contaminated by pesticide, so will the soft drinks be affected. These soft drinks will then be consumed by people and in some cases, by pet animals. Since pesticide causes harm to the human body, it can be said that its consumption can be detrimental to human beings as a whole. This is true not only for the case of pesticide content in soft drinks in specific, but also for the other empirically proven problems that soft drink could be causing to the health of human beings such as obesity, diabetes, cancer, liver cirrhosis, osteoporosis, and many more. When human beings incur diseases due to soft drink consumption, or worse when human beings die untimely, a crucial element of the food web is taken away. It could be said that human beings are the largest consumers in the food web. In view of the worse case scenario, take them away from the system and the entire system could collapse. In a more simplistic term, soft drink consumption affects the food web because soft drinks become more preferred substitutes to the natural products of the food web such as milk, water, natural fruit juice, and even for solid food. Thus, when human beings deviate from their natural consumption pattern in terms of the food web because of soft drink consumption, the entire food web could be altered too. On a lighter note, soft drink companies have been aware that people aspire to have a healthy body. Reports linking sodas or soft drinks to obesity and to many other grave diseases are causing concern for both consumers and the makers of soft drinks. These propelled external agents to make guidelines for soft drink production, to which soda or soft drinks companies hope to comply by marketing ‘healthy sodas’. Observably, this is why the trend now is to fortify soft drinks with minerals and vitamins. However, it must still come into question whether or not these healthy options really do eliminate or minimize the negative effects of soft drink consumption in the human body, and thus in the food web too. Whatever warnings concerned organizations give to soft drink consumers against soft drink consumption, it still boils down for the public to decide whether they will continue patronizing and consuming soft drinks or not. And in as much that there has been an advent of the so-called ‘healthy options’ nowadays, there comes a need for people to develop ‘healthy decisions’. References American Association for State and Local History, Society of American Historians (1947). American Heritage. (pp. 11-12). New York, N. Y. : American Heritage Pub. Co. Bellis, M. (2007). The History of Pepsi Cola Caleb Bradham. Retrieved March 31, 2007 from http://inventors. about. com/library/inventors/blpepsi. htm
Monday, October 21, 2019
The Withered Arm Essays
The Withered Arm Essays The Withered Arm Paper The Withered Arm Paper Essay Topic: Literature In this essay I am going to try my best to answer the question Who do you think is to blame for the tragedy of The Withered Arm? I will attempt to include as much information and reasons to whom I think is to be blamed and why. I will try to justify these reasons with various quotes and descriptions by referring to the text. Thomas Hardy was born in 1840 and died in 1825. He was a great novelist who wrote many famous novels such as Mayor of Casterbridge and Far From The Madding Crowd. These novels are now known for being classic literature. Most of the novels he wrote were depressing and ironic. The Withered Arm is one of many Thomas Hardy short novels, it is set in the late 1800s in a village called Holmstoke that has a small rural community of mostly milkmaids. There are three main characters in this novel they consist of: Farmer Lodge; a wealthy and respected man, who is well known for his good reputation. Also there is Rhoda Brook; a not so wealthy woman and less fortunate than Farmer Lodge with a reputation of being a witch. Lastly there is also Gertrude Lodge; she is Farmer Lodges new wife. .. They say shes rosy-cheeked, titsy-totsy little body enough. They/The men become ill and frustrated. At the end of the story they have an argument, that ends tragically. Kayerts accidently kills Carlier because of some sugar he wants to have in his tea. On the next day, before the boat arrives, Kayerts kills himself/commits suicide. 2. This book is both a psychological thriller and a political statement. Written in 1896, Joseph Conrad gives an account of two white traders, Carlier and Kayerts, who are out- posted in Africa at a trading station. Although the Europeans do trade goods, their underlying purpose is to export civilization, from Europe to Africa. Carlier and Kayerts are living in colonial times. England and other European countries have control over Africa. The native people are seen as in need of being civilized. 3. As the steamer that drops them off fades into the distance, Carlier and Kayerts already begin to feel uneasy. Out in the jungle with no other Europeans to support their views about the world, they sense that they are out of their element, and not up to the task they have been assigned. Their predecessor lies.. 4. Summary 5. Kayerts and Carlier are put in charge of a remote and . unpromising trading station on a river. Its previous agent 7. died of fever and his grave, marked by a cross, forms part 8. of the outpost. The director of the trading company, who 9. predicts their failure, leaves them with enough provisions 10. to last for the six months until his envisaged return. Makola, 11. ‘a civilized nigger’ who lives with his family on the outpost, 12. is responsible for the acquisition and storage o f ivory and is 13. in charge of the ten black men working (not very effectively) 14. at the post. The other group of natives, ‘Father’ Gobila’s 15. people, are friendly and provide the station with local 16. supplies. When a group of fierce-looking black strangers 17. appears in the compound, Makola behaves very strangely 18. and makes clandestine arrangements to sell the ten station 19. men to the strangers in return for six beautiful tusks that 20. are deposited in the yard. It gradually dawns on Kayerts 21. and Carlier that they have become involved in a terrible 22. crime, but after discarding their initial pangs of guilt are 23. omforted by the thought of lucrative commissions on the 24. ivory. The steamer is late, their provisions are running low 25. and the physical and mental state of the two white men 26. deteriorates rapidly. Demoralized by a quarrel over the last 27. lumps of sugar, they begin to fight, and Kayerts shoots the 28. unarmed Carlier in what he believes to be self-defence. 29. When the steamer finally arrives, the director discovers 30. Kayerts’s body hanging from the cross with his tongue 31. disrespectfully stuck out at him. Withered arm In a novel structured around contrasts, the main opposition is between Swithin St Cleeve and Lady Viviette Constantine, who are presented as binary figures in a series of ways: aristocratic and lower class, youthful and mature, single and married, fair and dark, religious and agnostic†¦she [Lady Viviette Constantine] is also deeply conventional, absurdly wishing to conceal their marriage until Swithin has achieved social status through his scientific work, which gives rise to uncontrolled ironies and tragic-comic misunderstandings (Harvey 108). | †| Hardy’s stories take into onsideration the events of life and their effects. Fate plays a significant role as the thematic basis for many of his novels. Characters are constantly encountering crossroads, which are symbolic of a point of opportunity and transition. Far From the Madding Crowd tells a tale of liv es that are constructed by chance. â€Å"Had Bathsheba not sent the valentine, had Fanny not missed her wedding, for example, the story would have taken an entirely different path. †[13] Once things have been put into motion, they will play out. Hardys characters are in the grips of an overwhelming fate. [edit] Poetry Thomas Hardy was born and grew up near Dorchester in the county town of Dorset. Dorset was the inspiration of most of his work although he did include areas such as Devon, Somerset, Cornwall, Hampshire, Wiltshire, Berkshire and Oxfordshire. Various stories written by Thomas Hardy have been based, borrowed and enhanced from experiences told to many generations of the Hardy family. The areas the stories are set around are a fictional country called Wessex, based on the area he lived up in. By setting the stories in an area well known to Hardy he is able to go into detail, but also make them sound as realistic as possible. Hardy even uses the regional dialect to bring his stories to life and make the reader think they are there. By locating the stories in the countryside, Hardy gives the stories a slower, more relaxed way of life, with different values to those illustrating inner city life. The countryside generally consists of a closer network of people compared to the city life, because of the smaller more involved community, people may care more of what other individuals think of them which generates the different values, principles and morals. From the story, The Withered Arm, I have chosen to investigate the character, Rhoda Brook. In the story, Rhoda plays an interesting character, motivated by her initial jealously towards other people. Rhodas character is one that develops throughout the story. Hardy lets his readers imagine what Rhoda looks like as he gives little description of her physical appearance. He does state that she is tall from the quote, aâ‚ ¬Ã‚ ¦and if shes tall as tall as I taken from page 2. He also reveals she has dark eyes, a quote from page 5 follows Her eyes, then, are not dark like mine? This can be perceived in two slightly different ways. The obvious first is that of a physical feature. The second less apparent characteristic is of a devious, manipulative and possibly scheming aspect, perhaps based on her own personality. It is clear that Rhoda does not have the choice to work or not, and, later it becomes apparent that she lives on her own with her son, who is around the age of twelve. Rhoda is determined to ensure that her son admires her. His personal view of his mother is important to her; she may feel threatened by Farmer Lodges new wife and this maybe the reason why she sent her son out to see what she looks like. This inflicts a shallow, insecure view of herself, in that she believes physical characteristics are more significant than personality. As a mother it is important to Rhoda to protect her son from any idol gossip he may hear about her from the village where they live. This is possibly why they moved away. However, at the beginning of the story when the milking maids were talking about Rhoda and Framer Lodge she did not seem too worried about what other people thought of her. She wishes to keep her son away from anything that may encourage him to resent her. Rhodas relationship towards the male characters in the story is barely existent. Rhoda avoids conversation with most males. This may have something to do with past experiences; perhaps she had been hurt from previous relationships and now avoids any contact with the opposite sex. She possesses a great amount of hatred towards Farmer Lodge this may be, for not accepting or acknowledging her sibling on the account of their failed relationship. The only positive relationship Rhoda has with a male character in the story is her son, Jamie. The first impressions of Rhoda are noticeably different to the ones found whilst looking into her character more intensely. My personal first impressions of her were of a woman driven by jealously and the need to be in control of every situation. However, looking further into her disposition she simply has an insecure view of situations. To outside people she may come across as a strong character, though deep down, she is more emotional than the male characters in the story. Rhoda rarely involves herself with any conversation, however she is respectful towards other people, though on occasions she does misinterpret situations, which may be looked upon as disrespectful. This can be interpreted from the pages 9 to 10, where upon Gertrude appears at Rhodas house from some boots from her son. By the way Rhoda acts towards Gertrude implies to the reader that she is jealous and embarrassed, as she cannot provide for her own offspring. Another reason why Rhoda may have come across as disrespectful to Gertrude is because of her own fear of her son rejecting her. Within the small community in which Rhoda lives, other women view Rhoda as an outcast. From the beginning of the story in the cow dairy Thomas Hardy makes it clear to the reader that Rhoda is not very involved with local gossip and that perhaps she lacks communication with other people. An example of this is at the start in the dairy, when there is much conversation going on about Farmer Lodge, Rhoda does not get involved. This is reiterated when members of the cow dairy begin to talk about Rhoda behind her back. Rhoda makes no effort to confront these comments and presumably carries on with her work. Rhoda barely goes into her local parish and market, and usually sends her son to do any odd jobs for her. She says to him on page 2, I shall send you for a few things to marketaâ‚ ¬Ã‚ ¦ Rhoda and her son, also live considerably far away from the market, this was taken from, aâ‚ ¬Ã‚ ¦your house is the nearest outside our own parish. This may imply that Rhoda and her son live in the middle of two different parishes, or perhaps she does not live within a parish, both these suggestions cause difficulties for Rhoda if ever she wanted to be more involved with community events. Rhodas quirky character varies a lot, from other females that live within the network where she lives and works. However I feel there is a strong connection between Rhoda and Gertrude, in that they are both strong outcasts in the co mmunity. Event though much they may dispute it, their characters are very alike. The narrative viewpoint differs from each story. The Sons Veto and The Withered Arm are written by using an omniscient narrator, which is a use of narrator that is not a character within the story. Whereas, Tony Kytes the Arch Deceiver uses first person narrative. 1st person narrative is when the story is told by one of the characters point of view. This may seem more friendly and authentic because of the use of the local regional dialect. However by using one character to explain the story we can only experience and explore their feelings and point of view, which gives a biased and perhaps fiction analysis over situations. The omniscient style of narrative sees everything, which gives an unbiased view of what is happening in the story they are more truthful and factual then the use of a 1st person narrative. Depending on the different personalities of the readers influences the way they read and interpret different styles of writing. To some people omniscient narrative encourages them to sympathise towards particular characters, as they are aware of everything that is happening and all the different feelings from the characters are expressed, generated and articulated. However other readers may feel that because all the feelings of all the characters are expressed they are basic and therefore find it difficult sympathise and relate to any of the characters. 1st person narrative only gives the viewpoint from one character, this may encourage the reader to sympathise with the character telling the story as it persuades them that they are involved in the story, as the character is talking directly to them. However certain people may find it hard to sympathise with this style of writing as it may promote the curiosity of how other characters are feeling and as a consequence may cause the reader to reject the character telling the story. This can be related to the story, Tony Kytes the Arch Deceiver as the story ends we begin to feel a great amount of anxiety towards Tony because of the way he treats Milly. We do not sympathise with Tony. Whilst comparing and contrasting these stories I have noticed similarities and differences between them. Each character has strong and weak points about their personality. Rhoda is weak because she doesnt want to get hurt, Sophy is weak because she moved away from her village to avoid public mockery and Milly is weak for accepting Tonys marriage proposal knowing that she wasnt his first choice. However Rhoda is strong because she does not care what people think about her, she tends to rise above gossip also she is a single mother and has raised her child on her own. Sophy is strong because she has carried on living her life despite what happened to her after her accident. Milly is also strong because she has shown that despite how Tony has treated her she has stood up and shown she loves him by saying she will marry him. Rhoda and Sophy have learnt to put other people before themselves because each of them have children this may encourage them to be less selfish and learn to accept they cannot have everything in life. These two characters are different to the image and role of women during Hardys time. All the women have experienced failed relationships by the lack of commitment. Each of the women has become second best and has not experienced true love because of this. Sophy made sacrifices for her son, Rhoda has become second best to Gertrude and Milly was third best to Unity and Hannah. All the characters are perhaps viewed negatively by the local community. The character I respect the most is Rhoda because of her out going personality and the fact does not care what people think of her. In this essay I have investigated three main characters from the stories, The Withered Arm, Tony Kytes the Arch Deceiver and The Sons Veto. From this I have been able to identify any differences and similarities between the characters. The different female roles Hardy has explored through these short stories are realistic and believable, fore the particular time he has chosen to set them in. He has written about different situations and chosen carefully the types of personalities his characters will have. H. employs specific narrative techniques: he established historical distance Adopted a narrative technique called intradiegetical discourse which deploys an alternative internal narrator to the task of telling the tale. (local Historian, old surgeon,) He is master of this mode of discourse Narration structure:
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Free Printable Geography Worksheets
Free Printable Geography Worksheets Geography worksheets can be a valuable resource for teachers and students looking for activities and information related to both U.S. states and foreign countries. Each link leads you to a page featuring general background about the subject, whether it be countries like Germany and Japan, or states like Alaska and Nevada. The resources also include crossword puzzles, vocabulary worksheets, alphabet-ordering activities and explanations of geographical terms- such as isthmus, island and archipelago. Use these printables as study aids, pop quizzes or launching points for discussions about the various states and countries included here. Add these free printable geography worksheets to your homeschool day to reinforce geography skills and for variety and fun. General Geography and Foreign Countries GeographyGermanyJapanSouth America U.S. States Alabama PrintablesAlaska PrintablesArizona PrintablesArkansas PrintablesCalifornia PrintablesColorado PrintablesFlorida PrintablesGeorgia PrintablesHawaii PrintablesIllinois PrintablesIndiana PrintablesIowa PrintablesKansas PrintablesKentucky PrintablesLouisiana PrintablesMaine PrintablesMaryland PrintablesMichigan PrintablesMississippi PrintablesMissouri PrintablesMontana PrintablesNevada PrintablesNew Jersey PrintablesNew Mexico PrintablesNew York PrintablesNorth Carolina PrintablesOhio PrintablesOklahoma PrintablesOregon PrintablesPennsylvania PrintablesRhode Island PrintablesSouth Carolina PrintablesSouth Dakota PrintablesTennessee PrintablesTexas PrintablesUtah PrintablesVirginia PrintablesWashington PrintablesWest Virginia PrintablesWisconsin Printables
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Company Profile Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Company Profile - Essay Example Business Interaction / Communication in more than 100 different languages. 49,000+ individuals are employed worldwide by the Coca-Cola Company and its subsidiaries. In Britain the brand arrived in the year 1990 when the son of the founder, Charles Chandler brought the brand to England. The company today is extremely popular and surprisingly, "the word 'Coca-Cola' itself is even thought to be the second most widely understood word in the world after 'OK'!" (Coca Cola). The company is facing fierce competition with Pepsi Co. that is the other giant in the industry. Coca Cola is having a share of merely 50% in the Europe, the company is a market leader in Europe, however the company is rated 2nd in many parts of the world such as India. The company is having a wider product line and length that forced me to prepare the profile. The product line includes Coca Cola, Coca Cola Zero, Diet Coke, Sprite, Fanta, Lilt, Dr. Pepper, Oasis, Kia-Ora, Schweppes, Five Alive, Minute Maid, Rose's, Spri t 3G, and Powerade. The company is having a concern about the health too, it is unusual to think about since the company is manufacturing a drink that many people view as unhealthy, nevertheless the company cares about people when it says, "You can enjoy 'Coca-Cola' and all of our other products as part of a healthy balanced diet and active lifestyle" (Your Health). It is also a healthy sign that Coca Cola has associated it self with various healthy activities such as Football. SWOT There are number of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats regarding Coca Cola. In UK, the strengths include, highest market share possessed by any soft drink company, the biggest product line and length, a strong focus on society's health as the company mentions clearly on their products, "'Big 8: energy, protein, carbohydrate, carbohydrate of which sugars, fat, saturated fat, fibre and sodium" (What our labels tell you). The customers are welcomed at anytime to inspect the company's internal environment, the company has mentioned the free number '0800 227711'. A strong focus on fulfilling social responsibility as the company has associated itself with many important events such as sports etc. The weaknesses are limited for Coca Cola, The company has not got the full penetration in the market, there are many gaps in the society. The company is focusing on brand extension rather than the penetration of current brands. Obesity is getting common is Britain and company is not taking the issue in account. The different sales headquarters are not interlinked directly and they are having problems in internal communications, "We are currently developing new communications programmes to improve employee engagement and to ensure that they all understand our business priorities" (Key challenges in Britain). The opportunities for Coca Cola are, the obesity is getting common in Britain, Coca Cola can target that segment specifically and make it aware of the may Diet Coke that can help people understand the benefits of such drinks. The company can then cater each segment individually, such as kids who prefer sports should be targeted through advertisements using powerade, when every segment would be targeted, the outcome could be very profitable, "developing new, and hopefully successful, products is vital and, as Band says: Coca-Cola also needs to get the mix of products correct; that is the
Friday, October 18, 2019
Macroecenomics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Macroecenomics - Assignment Example The graph below shows some variations in the level of exports and imports made by the UK for the period of 1993 to 1998. The same trade and production pattern is observed when it comes to France, though both import and export levels for France are lower as compared to the UK. The major products exported by France are planes, helicopters, and spacecraft and vehicle parts. The major products imported by France are rude petroleum, refined petroleum and packed medicaments. The graph below shows the variations in the levels of imports and exports produced by France between the periods of 1985 to 2005. The same case of an increase in both level of exports and imports have been experienced in USA since 1973. This is due to the general increase in the level of demand as well as the GDP, increase in the level of imports so as to sustain the industrial growth and demand. Some of the major products exported by the Unites States are cars, refined petroleum and gas turbines while imports include cars, computers and broadcasting equipments. The graph below shows the variations of the sea foods imports and exports produced by the United States between the periods of 1997 and 2007. Between the periods of the year 1975 to 2013, the United States of America have an average GDP of $ 6145.56 billion. Since then it has had an average exports products of $1769.76 billion and imports products of $117.6 billion. We have observed a lower degree in the openness of the USA with respect to the United Kingdom and France since it some peculiar commercial policies. Unlike in the UK and France, the total amount US’s GDP is contributed less by its imports and exports. This lowers its market degree of openness as compared to the others. The inflation rate between 2013 and 2014 will be given by the slope of my graph, it will be given by: (2.4-2.2)/ (3.5-3.6)=0.2/-0.1=-0.2, meaning that in this
Finance assignment question Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Finance question - Assignment Example This paper will take into account depository institutions whose main purpose is to provide financial services such as loans and deposits. Some of the constituents of depository institution are commercial banks, building societies, mortgage loans and credit unions, which all fall under one mainstream of financial institution. The depository institution came into existence when people felt there was need for security for their money. People faced the risks of loss of money through theft or accidents’ while keeping their money in their wallets or at home. Thus formed the initial goal of financial institution, which was only to offer the safekeeping of their clients’ money. Currently depository institution such as commercial banks, takes deposits from clients, offer security and convenience of service to their customers. Clients can now transact with the use of checks or wire transfers at their convenience courtesy of the commercial banks. Clients to banks also have a chanc e to earn money from their deposits that is they can let their money work for them. The depository institution, also provide loans to business, individuals and organizations to allow them to expand as this will only provide more income to the institutions once they bring back their income and profits (Valentine 2010). Nevertheless, the main difference between the depository institution and other financial institutions is the ability of the depository institution to offer cash deposits to its customers. The institutions achieve this through facilities such as savings account, fixed account and current accounts, Australia, & PricewaterhouseCoopers (2001). Financial institutions arises out of the needs and demands of the customers, therefore the main function of this institution is to be intermediaries of financial markets. That is they are responsible for the movement of funds from one market to another for example, from investors to organizations or individuals to individuals. Thus, these financial institutions form the backbone of every economy, as they are responsible for the movement and flow of money in the economy. However, this is only the function of financial institution. In relation to the depository institution, it also shares some of the general function, but its main function is to provide the facility of cash deposits to their clients, thus, enabling them to meet their financial obligations at their convenience. These depository banks also provide security to the clients’ investment, from cash to assets, as customers can easily transact without the obligation of carrying large sums of money as financial institution takes charge of such matters. In addition, they also keep records of account of their clients as they enable them to keep track of their finances (Pearson 2009). Another function of depository institutions is to pool the deposits and saving of many small depositors and converts them into a large pool of money that provides loans t o its trustworthy customers. This function also serves and answers the question of the sources of funds of these institutions. Through this mechanism the bank, makes money that they use in the daily running of their business. Subsequently the bank lends money to its customers at a higher rate ensuring
Health care questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Health care questions - Essay Example rch has got its own due place within the midst of things and it would only be natural to decipher the true meaning of public health systems if proper measures are undertaken to take care of the patients under consideration. These patients should be given the room to have a better treatment regime in place so that their health could be insured and the measures that go in the wake of finding out such nuances are also given the much needed boost that is required within such discussions. The research regimes will aim to further find out how the development of future public health systems would mean success for just about everyone who is related with the public health quarters in one way or the other. In essence, research will find out the different developmental measures, means and pathways through which success can be envisioned and new opportunities to further expedite the process of giving better return on the public health systems for the sake of the common man are determined and thu s provided. As known to the public health systems that are prevalent in the time and age of today, the most important factors in the delivery of the same include the leadership quarters and the management ranks of the public health systems. What this implicates is the fact that a leader who has his say within the provision of public health in a proper way goes to show that the public health systems are built upon in a very serious way, and that there would be success for the people who matter the most – the stakeholders who are the patients themselves. Apart from leadership, there is a dire need to comprehend that managing the related activities of public health are also very significant. This is because the successful development and management of public health systems and activities would pave the way for the eventual linkage that is established amongst the different stakeholders and not just between the patients and the public health domains. There is a good amount of
Thursday, October 17, 2019
How Does the Talent Pipeline Impact on the Employment Relationship Essay
How Does the Talent Pipeline Impact on the Employment Relationship - Essay Example The involvement of recruiting and selection in the successful development of the employment relationship is explored in this study. Different approaches have been used in the literature for explaining the interaction between the recruiting/ selection processes and the employment relationship. All of these approaches lead to a particular assumption: both recruiting and selection are critical for the success of employment relationship; however, the level of involvement of these processes in employment relationship is not standardized being depended on the organization’s internal and external environment but also the skills and competencies of the individuals, i.e. the HR managers, who overview these processes. 2. Recruiting and selection and impact on employment relationship Recruiting and selection can highly influence the employment relationship. As explained above, the specific processes are parts of the first component of the Talent Pipeline model, as developed by CIPD in 20 06 (Figure 1, below); an alternative form of the Talent Pipeline, as developed in 2007 is also presented in Figure 2. The impact of these processes on employment relationship is analyzed below, using the views of the literature, as related to the particular subject. Figure 1 – The Talent Pipeline Figure 2 – The Talent Pipeline, CIPD 2007 CIPD 2006 (Source CIPD 2006) (Source: London Management Centre 2011) 2.1 The recruiting process as part of the talent pipeline and its effects on employment relationship The impact of recruiting on the employment relationship cannot be doubted. In fact, it seems that the power of recruitment to affect the employment relationship is verified by the law. A critical example is ‘Conciliation and Arbitration Act 1904, Australia’ (Stewart 2011, p.143). The specific legislative text promotes the following idea: the recruitment process can directly affect the employment relationship (Stewart 2011); for this reason, a dispute relat ed to the recruitment process should be characterized as ‘an industrial matter’ (Stewart 2011, p.143). Indeed, in the case Re Manufacturing Grocers (1986), the Court held that ‘an employment matter should be characterized as industrial only when it affects directly the employment relationship’ (Stewart 2011, p.143). It was also held that the recruiting process can be an industrial matter, since ‘it has the power to affect directly employment relations’ (Stewart 2011, p.143). The research of Guest and Conway (2002, quoted by Lewis, et al. 2003, p.15) verified the power of the recruitment process to impact the employment relationship. In the context of the above research, 1300 HR managers were asked to mention the factors that are most likely to influence the psychological contrac
To My Father Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
To My Father - Essay Example To the world, my dad is a war hero. He is sick right now but I know the world prays for him. I want him to get up from the bed. My dad is a hero to me more than anybody. He picks me up when I’m down; he lifts me up when I have no hope from others. My friends, my siblings, they can leave me on my own but not my dad, he loves me too much.Had my dad lived an ordinary man’s life and not went to the gulf war; he would still be my hero. I gave him my Medal of Honor when I was a little kid and I cut my knee on the stool nail and he came to the rescue; picked me up, cleaned the wound, wiped the blood. There was something special about his touch, the moment he put his around the wound, the pain went away.I was fine even before he put the antiseptic that stung so bad, but it was alright because my dad was there. My hero means everything to me, he took care of me when I was growing up, now I try to do the same when he is growing old. He needs me more than ever, I try to live up to the standards but I know even if I sacrifice my whole life for him, I can never return the favor.Who tells their old parents, when they keep asking the same thing over and over again, each time with a gentler smile than before? No one. But he kept responding to me when I kept asking about the world, over and over again, he never frowned. Now I ask myself, can I do the same? Dad, I’m sure you can fight this illness the way you fought for the American people. You are the bravest of the brave and I salute you.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Health care questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Health care questions - Essay Example rch has got its own due place within the midst of things and it would only be natural to decipher the true meaning of public health systems if proper measures are undertaken to take care of the patients under consideration. These patients should be given the room to have a better treatment regime in place so that their health could be insured and the measures that go in the wake of finding out such nuances are also given the much needed boost that is required within such discussions. The research regimes will aim to further find out how the development of future public health systems would mean success for just about everyone who is related with the public health quarters in one way or the other. In essence, research will find out the different developmental measures, means and pathways through which success can be envisioned and new opportunities to further expedite the process of giving better return on the public health systems for the sake of the common man are determined and thu s provided. As known to the public health systems that are prevalent in the time and age of today, the most important factors in the delivery of the same include the leadership quarters and the management ranks of the public health systems. What this implicates is the fact that a leader who has his say within the provision of public health in a proper way goes to show that the public health systems are built upon in a very serious way, and that there would be success for the people who matter the most – the stakeholders who are the patients themselves. Apart from leadership, there is a dire need to comprehend that managing the related activities of public health are also very significant. This is because the successful development and management of public health systems and activities would pave the way for the eventual linkage that is established amongst the different stakeholders and not just between the patients and the public health domains. There is a good amount of
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
To My Father Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
To My Father - Essay Example To the world, my dad is a war hero. He is sick right now but I know the world prays for him. I want him to get up from the bed. My dad is a hero to me more than anybody. He picks me up when I’m down; he lifts me up when I have no hope from others. My friends, my siblings, they can leave me on my own but not my dad, he loves me too much.Had my dad lived an ordinary man’s life and not went to the gulf war; he would still be my hero. I gave him my Medal of Honor when I was a little kid and I cut my knee on the stool nail and he came to the rescue; picked me up, cleaned the wound, wiped the blood. There was something special about his touch, the moment he put his around the wound, the pain went away.I was fine even before he put the antiseptic that stung so bad, but it was alright because my dad was there. My hero means everything to me, he took care of me when I was growing up, now I try to do the same when he is growing old. He needs me more than ever, I try to live up to the standards but I know even if I sacrifice my whole life for him, I can never return the favor.Who tells their old parents, when they keep asking the same thing over and over again, each time with a gentler smile than before? No one. But he kept responding to me when I kept asking about the world, over and over again, he never frowned. Now I ask myself, can I do the same? Dad, I’m sure you can fight this illness the way you fought for the American people. You are the bravest of the brave and I salute you.
Managerial Accounting Quiz 1 Essay Example for Free
Managerial Accounting Quiz 1 Essay Chapters 1 and 2 10 Points 1. Complete the answer sheet below by placing an X under each heading that identifies the cost involved. The Xs can be placed under more than one heading for a single cost. (5 Points) Variable Cost Fixed Cost Direct Materials Direct Labor Manufactu ring Overhead Period Cost Materials costs X X Production line workers wages X X Production Equipment rental X X Factory Building depreciation X X Advertising costs X X 2. A partial listing of costs incurred at Rust Corporation during August appears below: Purchases of raw materials†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ $ 135,000 Direct labor†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 73,000 Factory Utilities†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 11,000 Sales Commissions†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 69,000 Administrative Salaries†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 101,000 Indirect Labor†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 89,000 Depreciation of Production Equipment†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 18,000 Indirect Materials†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 10,000 Depreciation of Office Copy Machine†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 5,000 Raw materials inventory, beginning†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 97,000 Raw materials inventory, ending†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 84,000 Work in process inventory, beginning†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 39,000 Work in process inventory, ending†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 52,000 Finished goods inventory, beginning†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 106,000 Finished goods inventory, ending†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 71,000 a. Prepare a Schedule of Cost of Goods Manufactured in good form. (3 Points) Direct Materials: Beginning raw materials inventory: $97,000 Add: Purchase of raw materials 135,000 Raw materials available for use 232,000 Deduct: Ending raw materials inventory 84,000 Raw materials used in production $148,000 Direct Labor: 73,000 Manufacturing Overhead: 118,000 Total manufacturing cost: 339,000 Add: Beginning work in process inventory 39,000 378,000 Deduct: Ending work in process inventory 52,000 Cost of goods manufactured $326,000 b. Compute the Cost of Goods Sold. (2 Points) Finished goods inventory, beginning$106,000 Add: Cost of goods manufactured 326,000 Goods available for sale 432,000 Deduct: Finished goods inventory, ending 71,000 Cost of goods sold $361,000 Managerial Acctg Quiz 2 – Fall 2012 NAME__ _______________________ Chapters 3 and 4 10 Points 1. Pence Company is a manufacturing firm that uses job-order costing. The company applies overhead to jobs using a predetermined overhead rate based on machine-hours. At the beginning of the year, the company estimated that it would work 44,000 machine hours and would incur $176,000 in manufacturing overhead cost. During the year the following actual costs and hours were incurred: Job A Job B Job C Job D Direct Materials$ 135,000 $ 129,000 $ 98,000 $ 103,000 Direct Labor $ 80,000 $ 85,000 $ 63,000 $ 68,000 Machine Hours 12,000 13,000 8,000 14,000 Number of Units 50 35 60 Indirect Materials used: $ 34,000 Indirect Labor: $ 63,000 Selling Costs: $134,000 Factory Utility Costs: $ 14,000 Factory Depreciation: $114,000 Administrative Salaries $157,000 Required: (5 points) a. Compute the predetermined overhead rate 176000/44000= 4.00 b. Compute the amount of overhead applied to each job. A.12000*4= 48000 B. 13000*4= 52000 C. 8000*4= 32000 D. 14000*4= 56000 c. Assuming that Jobs A, B, and D were completed during the year, compute the total cost charged to each job and the unit cost of the product produced. A.5660 B.8543 D. 3983 d. Compute the balance in Work In Process at the end of the year. 161,000 e. Compute the amount of overhead under or overapplied. 176000-161000= 15000 f. Assuming the amount is not material, write the journal entry required to close the manufacturing overhead account at the end of the year. Work in Process 161,000 Manufacturing Overhead161,000 2. Elton Company uses the weighted-average method in its process costing system. The company adds materials at the beginning of the process in Department M. Conversion costs were 75% complete with respect to the 4,000 units in work in process at May 1 and 50% complete with respect to the 6,000 units in work in process at May 31. During May, 12,000 units were completed and transferred to the next department. An analysis of the costs relating to work in process at May 1 and to production activity for May follows: Materials Conversion Work in process 5/1 $26,200 $19,370 Costs added during May $26,900 $29,380 Required: Using the weighted-average method, determine the Equivalent Units of Production for Materials and Conversion Costs, the Cost per Equivalent Unit for Material and Conversion Cost, and the total product cost per Equivalent Unit. (5 Points) Equivalent units of production Materials Conversion Transferred to next department.. 12,000 12,000 Ending work in process (materials: 6,000 units Ãâ€" 100% complete; conversion: 6,000 units Ãâ€" 50% complete).. 6,000 3,000 Equivalent units of production 18,000 15,000 Cost per Equivalent Unit Materials Conversion Total Cost of beginning work in process.. 26,200 19,370 Cost added during the period.. 26,900 29,380 Total cost (a) 53,100 48,750 Equivalent units of production (b) 18,000 15,000 Cost per equivalent unit, (a) à · (b). 2.95 3.25 Total: $6.20
Monday, October 14, 2019
Patricia Piccinini and David Hockney Comparison
Patricia Piccinini and David Hockney Comparison Art explores many elements of life and the world. It explores and represents meanings in which are interpreted by the audience in various ways. Artists use different techniques to enhance their own individual message or perspective, whether it be distinctively clear or subtle. Artists such as Patricia Piccinini explore identity through life-like animal sculptures that resemble human characteristics. Her message is more powerful in analysis rather than first glance. David Hockney is also an artist who explores identity of the individual by representing lifes journey through his technique of photo montage. Art is the representation of the many elements of human life. It is the expression of emotion, the representation of objects or landscapes, life experiences and it can also be the representation of people and events. Identity can be represented as well as constructed in the visual arts. Many artists are able to do this in diverse and individual ways. Patricia Piccininis controversial artworks explore the identity and contrast between human and animal life. David Hockneys photo montage illustrates a very different approach to represent and construct identity. His artwork explores this concept through a narrative based artwork that represents lifes individual journey each must take in order to construct ones true identity. However, it is not only these two artists that explore identity. There are numerous artists who explore identity in a variety of ways. Some more subtle than others. This is because identity can be explored in so many different ways. Identity can be seen as a national identity, community identity, cultural, physical, professional, individual, sexual-orientation or marital status etc. There are many artists that explore these identities. Piccinini has explored the physical identity and relationship between human and animal. Whereas Hockney has explored the individual identity, and the path we journey through our lives Identity can be defined as individual characteristics by which a person is recognised or known. Art is a mirror image of a persons identity, circle of influence, and perceived worlds or realities. Art reflects what we feel, think, practice, believe, or imagine (Gaskins, N. 2010). Both Patricia Piccinini and David Hockney represent this in different ways by taking different approaches. Piccininis work is known for her extravagant and controversial life-like sculptures which present a more obvious meaning than that of Hockney. Through the use of symbolism, Hockneys photo montage creates a more subtle representation of identity. It is only with more analysis that Hockneys creation can be more understood. Although the audience perspectives can vary in conclusion as each individual can perceive this narrative type artwork and relate to the journey offered and constructed in different ways. The Young Family (2002-3) Apart from the image that is represented, there is often a second meaning within the artwork, (Clack, M. 2010). At a glance; the work of Patricia Piccinini is disturbing and questionable, hence the reason for the controversial perspectives. However if looked at with more depth and analysis, her artworks become interestingly engaging. The way in which she represents and constructs identity is far different to other artists. Patricia Piccinini is an artist who explores the frontiers of science and technology through her sculptures, photographs and video environments (Kent, R. 2002). Within her artwork she is able to construct a powerful message; that enables her to express personal view on a topic. The work makes public something other than itself; it manifests something other; it is an allegory (Clack, M. 2010). Personal identity and the issues surrounding it lie at the core of Piccininis project. Her works invite the question: what is it that makes us who we are? (Kent, R. 2002). Her artwork titled, The Young Family (2003) has sparked a lot of controversy because of the many perspectives it represents. Her life-like imagery is about compromises about being able to find beauty in a world which can never be perfect. (Papastergiadis, N. 2002). This artwork explores the distinction between animal and human characteristics. The similarities of both identities are obvious, which is what Patricia Piccinini is trying to portray. In a political and scientific perspective the inspiration behind this work is the expectation that we have of growing human organs in other species (Piccinini, P. 2003). In this artwork motherhood is one of the traits we share with animals; Patricia Piccinini has evidently shown this. From synthetic landscapes to artificial life forms, Piccinini creates a world in which fa ct, fiction and fantasy co-exist. She begs the question: what, in our rapidly changing world, constitutes the real anyway? (Kent, R. 2002). Pearblossom Hwy (1986) David Hockneys artwork, Pearblossom Hwy approaches the representation of identity in another way. Hockneys work clearly depicts his life and his love ones (Research Paper 2008). Represented in his artworks is a timeline of individual life on earth. He identifies that individuals have many paths they need to be inevitably travelled with many obstacles on the way. The art work consists of a lot of symbolism. Hockney has used the various stop signs in order to represent the individuals own life obstacles. In life many people will stop to think, is this decision Im about to make the right one? What path should I follow next? Who am I as an individual? etc. One of the many perspectives this artwork offers is that the collage is trying to say that in the beginning of life, people are unknowing of what they will do in their future or that they are lost in life. The end of the highway symbolizes certainty and strength about ones life. (Research Paper 2008). Hockneys art is created for his viewers. His drawings are designed in a special way so that they can be animated to be in the mind of the viewer (Research Paper 2008). David Hockneys aim is to take the audience on a journey that he has created, but one that means something different to each individual. This journey is the exploration of identity. He has captured within this artwork the similarities in lifes journeys, but it is how each individual interprets the story. Identity varies from society to society and individual to individual as variation of systems or personality (Art. 2010). In comparison to Patricia Piccininis artwork, The young family, Hockneys artwork relates solely to each individual. It explores numerous story lines as the interpretation of his artwork differs for each audience member. The identity he explores is more easily related to than that of Piccinini. Patricias outlook on identity explores the similarities between human and animal characteristics, very similar to the evolution theory, the apes transition into human form. Ideas about nature and its simulation are central to Piccininis works, inviting us to question what is real and what is not (Kent, R. 2002). Whereas Hockneys, Pearblossom Hwy explores the concept of what will the individuals future bring? Who am I? Who will I become?. It is more an intimate reflection of ones self. In conclusion, there are many artists who explore and represent identity in many forms and techniques. So in evaluating what is art. Many believe that it is the representation of the many elements of human life such as emotions, objects or landscapes, life experiences, people and events. Patricia Piccinini and David Hockney, while they both explore identity, their ideas and perspectives are entirely different. Patricia Piccininis controversial artworks explore the identity and contrast between human and animal life. While David Hockneys photo montage illustrates a narrative based artwork that represents lifes individual journey each must take in order to construct ones true identity.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Celebrities and Gossip Essay -- Media Tabloids Journalism Essays
Celebrities and Gossip Have you seen the pictures of Madonna and her baby yet? Have you ever surfed the web and stumbled onto a site about celebrities? Probably so. There are thousands of sites on the web about celebrities; their official web sites, pictorials and biographical information. You can’t even go into a supermarket without being bombarded by tabloids.You can’t listen to the radio in the car. TV shows and whole networks rely on entertainment and celebrities in the news. VH1, MTV and E! are excellent examples of this. Many people make their living off celebrities and their personal lives. But why does this need to be explored? Producers and journalists say they are only making and reporting on what the people want. The general public say they only watch and read this â€Å"news†because it is so readily available. Lets face it, it would be easier to find matches for â€Å"Madonna and her baby â€Å" on the web than it would be to find â€Å"biological engineering†. First, lets define the â€Å"news†which we will be exploring. Sensationalism is defined by Webster’s Dictionary as â€Å"subject matter that is calculated to excite and please vulgar tastes. Also, as the journalistic use of subject matter that appears to vulgar tastes. This can be applied to a variety of news-gathering media. Print: be it newspapers, tabloids, or magazines, audio and visual: be it TV specials, daily and weekly shows, or through the radio with shows such as Howard Stern, or even electronic: through the World Wide Web, can all involve â€Å"the journalistic use of vulgar subject matter†. It is nearly impossible to avoid â€Å"journalistic sensationalism†. But lets focus on a more specific facet of sensationalism. Where do the children of celebrities stand in this issue... ... an anchor for WMAQ, NBC’s news affiliate in Chicago. Marin recently resigned her post after questioning the station’s approach to news coverage. WMAQ took a step toward sensationalism and away from news when it hired tabloid talk show host Jerry Springer to give a nightly commentary on the local news program. Sensational news has no place in today’s media. Her actions are both honorable and understandable. If all journalistics held their values higher and took common decency into account when reporting, then sensational news could be drastically cut back. We as journalists must stand up for what we believe in. The news needs to reamin just that--news. George Clooney said at a press conference supermarket tabloids and television shows have made â€Å"bounty hunters†out of the photographers. He challenged editors to clean up their act or have others do it for them.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Christianity Essay -- essays research papers fc
Christianity religion was founded in Palestine by the followers of Jesus. One of the world’s major religions, it predominates in Europe and the Americas, where it has been a powerful historical force and cultural influence, but it also claims adherents in virtually every country of the world. Central Beliefs The central teachings of traditional Christianity are that Jesus is the Son of God, the second person of the Trinity of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. In Latin Trinity is define as threefoldness, fundamental doctrine in Christianity, by which God is considered as existing in three persons. While the doctrine is not explicitly taught in the New Testament, early Christian communities testified to a perception that Jesus was God in the flesh; the idea of the Trinity has been inferred from the Gospel of St. John. The developed doctrine of the Trinity purports that God exists in three coequal and coeternal elementsâ€â€God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. (LaCunga 360) It sees these â€Å"persons†as constituted by their mutual relations, yet does not mean that God in his essence is Father, or a male deity. Jesus spoke of a relation of mutual giving and love with the Father, which believers could also enjoy through the Spirit. Christians also believe that Jesus’ life on earth, his crucifixion, resurrection and ascension into heaven are proof of God’s love for humanity and God’s forgiveness of human sins; and that by faith in Jesus one may attain salvation and eternal life. This teaching is embodied in the Bible, specifically in the New Testament, but Christians accept also the Old Testament as sacred and authoritative Scripture (Weaver 5). Christian ethics derive to a large extent from the Jewish tradition as presented in the Old Testament, (Carmody, Christian Ethics 15) particularly the Ten Commandments, but with some difference of interpretation based on the practice and teachings of Jesus. Christianity may be further generally defined in terms of its practice of corporate worship and rights that usually include the use of sacraments and that are usually conducted by trained clergy within organized churches. There are, however, many different forms of worship, many interpretations of the role of the organized clergy, and many variations in polity and church organization within Christianity. Divisions within the Religion In the... Islam. People may also become Christian because they have been brought up in a Christian family. Christianity also appeals to many people who are homeless or less fortunate than others because of the promise of a better life after death. Many people regard the Bible as being proof of Christianity, especially the New Testament. If 2 billion people follow Christianity there must be something in it that draws so many people. Whether it is the promise of eternal life or that anyone can become a Christian, or the fact that you belong to something Christianity is one of the largest religions in the world today and is still growing. Bibliography Beach, Waldo. The Christian Life. Richmond: The CLC Press, 1966. Carmondy, Denise, and John Carmody. Christian Ethics: An Introduction through History and Current Issues. Engelwood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1993. ---. Christianity: An Introduction. Belmont: Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1994. Craig, David. What Christians Believe.Boston: Oneworld Publications, 2000. LaCunga, Catherine. God For Us: The Trinity and Christian Life. New York: 1992. Weaver, Mary Jo. Introduction to Christianity. Belmont:Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1984.
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