Monday, December 30, 2019
How to Make Blueprint Paper
Blueprint paper is a specially-coated paper that turns blue where it is exposed to light, while areas kept in the dark remain white. Blueprints were one of the first ways to make copies of plans or drawings. Heres how to make blueprint paper yourself. Blueprint Paper Materials 15 mL of 10% potassium hexacyanoferrate(III) (potassium ferricyanide)15 mL of 10% iron(III) ammonium citrate solutionPetri dishWhitepaperTongs or small paintbrushSmall opaque object (e.g., coin, leaf, key) Make Blueprint Paper In a very dim room or in the dark: pour the potassium ferricyanide and iron(III) ammonium citrate solutions together into a petri dish. Stir the solution to mix it.Use tongs to drag a sheet of paper across the top of the mixture or else paint the solution onto the paper using a paintbrush.Allow the sheet of blueprint paper to dry, coated side up, in the dark. To keep the paper from being exposed to light and to keep it flat as it dries, it may help to set the wet sheet of paper on a larger piece of cardboard and cover it with another piece of cardboard.When you are ready to capture the image, uncover the top of the paper and overlay an ink drawing on clear plastic or tracing paper or else simply set an opaque object on the blueprint paper, such as a coin or key.Now expose the blueprint paper to direct sunlight. Remember: for this to work the paper must have remained in the dark until this point! If its windy you may need to weigh down the paper to keep the object in place.Allow the p aper to develop in the sunlight for about 20 minutes, then cover the paper and return to the darkened room.Thoroughly rinse the blueprint paper under cold running water. Its fine to have the lights on. If you do not rinse away any unreacted chemicals, the paper will darken over time and ruin the image. However, if all the excess chemicals are rinsed away, youll be left with a permanent colorfast image of your object or design.Allow the paper to dry. Cleanup and Safety The materials for making a blueprint (cyanotype) paper are safe to work with, but its a good idea to wear gloves since youll be working in the dark and might otherwise cyanotype your hands (turn them temporarily blue). Also, dont drink the chemicals. They are not particularly toxic, but they are not food. Wash your hands when you are done with this project.
Sunday, December 22, 2019
The 20th Century A Revitalization Of Mathematics - 1523 Words
The 20th Century marked a revitalization of mathematics. Mathematicians were becoming increasingly aware of the shaky foundation that the mathematics of the time was built upon. Algebra seemed to change the most by this new move to fix the fundamentals of mathematics. With the intent to reinvent algebra, a group of young French mathematicians joined together under the pseudonym Nicolas Bourbaki. They collectively wrote a textbook named Elements of Mathematics. All the while, they held mathematical seminars that persist to this day. The group seemed to have a great deal of amusement playing the role of Nicolas Bourbaki and remained seemingly unaffected by the vicious world around them (Berlinghoff Gouvea, 2004, p. 55). The world that Nicolas Bourbaki came into was a dark one. The relationship among European countries was becoming increasingly hostile. In America, the president Franklin D. Roosevelt was implementing the New Deal and working to bring an end to the Great Depression. Al though the social projects created by the New Deal significantly helped poor American families, a great deal of Americans remained unemployed. The starvation and suffering of the Depression was certainly still relevant in people’s minds. Mothers had watched their children suffer and their husbands leave in search of work (â€Å"What Ended the Great Depression,†n.d.). While conditions in America were improving, Europe was definitively on a downward spiral. Before the young French mathematics evenShow MoreRelatedEssay about Summary of History of Graphic Design by Meggs14945 Words  | 60 Pagesthe first spokenlanguage. - Cuneiform – Wedged shaped writing, created in 3000BC. Started as pictographs. - With the discovery of cuneiform, there was a knowledge explosion, where libraries were organized filling with tablets about religion, mathematics, and history. Writing enabled society to stabilize itself, and laws were created. - Two by-products of the rise of village culture were the ownership of property and the specialization of trades. - Egyptians used hieroglyphics. - The RosettaRead MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words  | 922 Pagesscholars and students of organization theory. Henk W. Volberda, Chair of the Department of Strategic Management Business Environment and Vice-Dean of the RSM Erasmus University, Netherlands At last, a text that brings organization theory into the 21st century! This is the first organization theory textbook to provide full and informed coverage of a range of contemporary developments in the field. Notably, it includes diverse contributions to organization theory made by critical management studies. It reallyRead MoreStrategic Human Resource Management View.Pdf Uploaded Successfully133347 Words  | 534 PagesThus, with their perspective, there is recognition of the importance of having superior human resources. There is little doubt that organizations will need to invest heavily in their human resources in order to be competitive during the twenty-first century. Management scholar Edward Lawler has described these investment requirements as follows: To be competitive, organizations in many industries must have highly skilled, knowledgeable workers. They must also have a relatively stable labor force since
Saturday, December 14, 2019
One of the Most Important Moment in Your Life Free Essays
The terrible car accident occurred to me ten years ago threatened my life, only a few flashback memories are what is left in my head. It was summer in June and a Saturday night; the rain was pouring like I have seen very few times before. I had just left my mother’s house after a delicious meal along with some of our homemade red wine. We will write a custom essay sample on One of the Most Important Moment in Your Life or any similar topic only for you Order Now In getting ready to go to work I realized that it was late, my Jazz music band, was supposed to start to play music at 10pm in a nightclub twenty miles west from my house.But the pleasant dinner, and mostly the wine, inadvertently caused me to be extremely late. Once on the highway I tried to reduce the lateness by increasing and maintaining high velocity, in several occasions the speedometer was above 130 MPH. When the crash happened I was not wearing the seatbelt; in fact I found myself on the passenger seat. The windshield and the side glasses were reduced in thousands of pieces, many of which were all over me. The absence of glass also facilitated the rain getting inside the vehicle and created more discomfort.The front of the automobile, where the engine was located, had been pushed so much inward that it almost reduced the length of the car in half. I was so furious about the damages that I didn’t even care of my health conditions. The car went down the side of the highway; it was hidden by trees and quite difficult to reach. In fact, the police report stated that I had been unconscious for more than half an hour before someone found me. When I came to senses I did not remember anything, not even what day it was, or why I was in the car. As minutes went by I began to consider the gravity of the situation, as my despair as well.Fully awake and angry still I could not move, my shoulder was hurting and something was obfuscating my sight and it was not the rainâ€â€I later discovered that it was my own blood. At some point I turned my head to the right and saw an old man standing right outside my car’s broken window pushing a piece of fabric against my head. I guess he was trying to stop the blood flow. Thanks to this person, who despite the difficulty, came down almost 30 feet to reach my car I was found, and thanks to this man I was able to receive immediate assistance from the paramedics and be carried at a nearby hospital.Nevertheless, sadness embraces me when I think of him; unfortunately I missed the chance to express to him my gratitude. That night he simply vanished in the darkness. Once the paramedic took me off the car, the race to the hospital was almost pleasant. In the ambulance I will never forget the beautiful face of a relatively young female doctor who gave me the first aidâ€â€she came very close to my face several times in order to check my eyes and wounds on my head.At the destination, I was transported in the emergency room where other people immediately started to cut my clothes off with a pair of scissors, in order to check the integrity of my whole body. Even though it was summer I recall being very cold in that room, and thirsty as well. The numerous and small pieces of glass inside the upper-part of my body required an extensive amount of time to be taken out. During this long procedureâ€â€conducted by only one doctorâ€â€something funny happened. One of the nurses approached the surgery table, came close to my face and said, â€Å"Today boy is your lucky day. â€Å"Why? †I asked, â€Å"Well, at the moment the plastic surgeon is still at the hospital, he was supposed to leave an hour ago but something happened and kept him here†was her responseâ€â€a couple of days later it was explained to me that these specialized doctors are not found frequently in the emergency room. Usually, generic doctors perform these surgeries with significantly poorer results. â€Å"He will fix your ear so well that you would not even notice the scar†she addedâ€â€I had a deep cut behind my right ear, which fortunately enough did not damage any nerves.After those loud nurse’s last words, the anesthetic took over because I don’t remember anything else. As a result, every time I go back with my thoughts to that night I realize how irresponsible I acted. During the days prior to the accident I had a very poo r sleep; that combined with the high speed and heavy rain caused the crash. This traumatic and unique experience will always accompany me. Still, today those memories affect my decision-making processes in order to prevent similar circumstances from occurring again. In the end I surely admit to have learned my lesson. How to cite One of the Most Important Moment in Your Life, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Hip Hop Oppression and Inequality
Question: Discuss many aspects related to this theme. Applying lyrical content to your analysis and incorporating readings, discuss the power of hiphop in discussing oppression and inequality as it relates to police. Answer: In the words of Martin Luther King Jnr, the theme of oppression with regard to race and its application to the Negros in connection to the Montgomery bus sanctions. There are ways, according Martin Luther King Jnr that oppression can be dealt with: through acquiescence, physical violence or through non-violent resistance. In the contemporary world, fireworks have been lit up on dark blue skies with the Hip Hop stars celebrating the holidays through songs in a bid to speak up their minds on free speech and its freedom. These songs cut across socio-political issues. As a matter of fact, Hip Hop is a term that is used to describe the urban youth in the United States of America. In the words of Hazzard-Donald (1996), hip hop is an expression of culture that was chiefly associated with the marginalized American youths of African descent. At its most elemental level, hip hop is considered to be a product of the post-civil rights movement as well as the cultural norms that were primarily driven by the African Americans, Caribbean Americans and the Latin American youths. Some of the notable masterpieces that have been crafted by the hip hop artistes include Talib Kweli The Proud, Public Enemy 911 is a Joke, J Cole Be Free, Bob Marley Get up Stand Up, Kendrick Lamar Blacker the Berry, KRS-One Sound of da police, Ice-T Cop Killer, Immortal Technique - The Other white meat, Eminem We as Americans, Jay Z 99 problems, The Pharcyde Officer, Dead Prez - Police State, Immortal Technique Bin Laden and 2Pacs A Crooked Nigga. These rap aspects of hip hop voice frustrations, alienation and rebellion among the African American youths and this is prompted by their recognition of the fact that they are vulnerable and are marginalized in the postindustrial America. Tupac, known as 2pac, is known for his loyalty for the black people. He is also known to play the rude or bad boy image so as to get what he wanted. When Eminem cites that hed rather see the president dead, he blatantly expresses his frustrations as an American citizen who doesnt take pride in being one. Dead Prez, in his song - Police State, he depicts a society that is deeply rooted into propaganda and civil rights violations. To him, things are not as they seem. Works Cited Collins, Patricia Hill. From black power to hip hop: Racism, nationalism, and feminism. Temple University Press, 2006. Kitwana, Bakari. The hip hop generation: Young Blacks and the crisis in African American culture. Basic Books, 2002. Potter, Russell A. Spectacular vernaculars: Hip-hop and the politics of postmodernism. Suny Press, 1995.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Kidnapped free essay sample
Here I was, barely 15 and stranded in the middle of the Blue Ridge Mountains. My cheeks were raw with tears and I was exhausted from trying to escape from my two kidnappers, who pulled me out of bed at 4 in the morning and took me to Clayton, Georgia. That is what I kept telling myself. Reality was, my parents hired my â€Å"Kidnappers†and they were paying for my stay in Georgia. Merely accepting the fact that I had been sent to a Wilderness program was overwhelming. â€Å"I’m cold.†I shivered. â€Å"Put on your pullover.†My DAPS said, motioning to the orange sweatshirt. â€Å"I don’t look good in Orange.†â€Å"Get over it. When you’re cold enough, you’ll wear it.†Needless to say, by the end of the night I was wearing the pullover. The other girls were full of grime and god, did they smell. To my horror, no deodorant was allowed. We will write a custom essay sample on Kidnapped or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I became obsessed with staying clean and prided that my orange sweatshirt wasn’t dirty compared to the other girl’s, whose sweatshirts were once as bright of orange as mine were now a shade of brown. The weirdest experience of my life happened in a bathroom. I had been in the forests for over a month. Biting into one of the monster carrots, my permanent retainer snapped and I was given the luxury of riding in an actual HEATED car to the dentists. Upon entering the building, I immediately asked to go to the restroom, excited to use a real toilet and sink. I literally was frozen in front of the mirror. I hadn’t seen my own reflection that I had actually forgotten what I looked like. It sounds stupid, but when I looked into the mirror, I didn’t recognize the girl in the mirror. I cannot explain the feeling of not recognizing yourself but it was in between astonishing and downright creepy. Making friends with the girls who had stayed the longest, I learned t he ropes from the best. Such as, hiking in the front of the line gives you more resting time, as you have to continuously stop and wait for the slow hikers in the back to catch up. All the consequences were natural. If you didn’t stoke and tend the fire, you’d be cold. If you didn’t ration your personal food for the week, you’d be hungry. I faced my fears and pushed myself to what I never imagined was possible. The external factors broke me down. For the first time, my emotional vulnerability was out in the open. When I look back on It, I miss it, yet I wouldn’t want to do it again.
Monday, November 25, 2019
40 Helpful Words Ending in -Ade
40 Helpful Words Ending in -Ade 40 Helpful Words Ending in -Ade 40 Helpful Words Ending in -Ade By Mark Nichol Words ending in -ade (or -cade) have a certain panache to them, often denoting a vivid action (including, frequently, military activities or endeavors) or a product or outcome of an action hence several words referring to food or drink. Most terms in English are borrowed from the French suffix -ade, cognate with the Italian form -ata (which also appears, for example, in inamorata, meaning â€Å"lover†) and the Spanish -ada (found in such words as armada, meaning â€Å"armed fleet†); all three elements are derived from the Latin suffix -atus (as in apparatus). In several words with -ade endings, such as brocade, decade, invade, pervade, and pomade, the suffix is not derived from -atus, but check out this list of those that are: 1. Accolade: an award or an expression of praise, or a ceremony at which one or both are given 2. Ambuscade: an ambush 3. Aquacade: an aquatic entertainment in which participants swim and dive to music 4. Balustrade: a row of vertical supports for a railing, or any barrier 5. Barricade: a barrier or other obstacle, or the action of creating one (unrelated to barrier, which comes from the Anglo-French word barre, meaning â€Å"bar†) 6. Blockade: an obstruction to prevent supplies or military personnel from moving from one place to another by land or sea, or any similar preventive action, or an interruption of physiological processes; also, to undertake such an action 7. Brigade: a large military unit, or an organized group (as a bucket brigade, a line of people relaying buckets full of water to douse a fire) 8. Cannonade: a bombardment, or the figurative equivalent, as in a verbal attack 9. Carronade: a short-barreled cannon (unrelated to cannon, the word is from the place name of Carron, Scotland) 10. Cascade: one or more steps in a waterfall or any similar movement, a cascading pattern in material, or a process that occurs in stages in which each one causes another; also, used as a verb to describe one of these actions 11. Cavalcade: a procession of people riding on animals or in vehicles or vessels, or a series 12. Charade: a puzzle or game (the latter referred to as charades) in which participants try to guess a word or phrase, or a pretense 13. Chiffonade: a vegetable or herb serving or garnish 14. Crusade: an enthusiastic effort to remedy or improve a situation; also a verb and, as crusader or crusading, an adjective 15. Colonnade: a line of regularly spaced columns 16. Defilade: a fortification that narrows the enemy’s maneuvering area, or the area in a structure or in a terrain out of the enemy’s line of fire 17. Enfilade: a flanking attack along the enemy’s line of fire, or a series of rooms, each of which opens into the next 18. Escalade: an act of climbing, especially a fortification 19. Escapade: an unapproved or unconventional activity or adventure 20. Esplanade: an open area for walking or driving, especially on a shoreline 21. Fusillade: shots fired simultaneously or in succession, or a similar attack of projectiles or the figurative equivalent, as in an outburst of spoken or written criticism 22. Gallopade: a type of spirited dance 23. Gasconade: boasting or bravado 24. Glissade: a gliding or sliding ballet step, or any movement suggestive of one; also, to undertake this action 25. Lemonade: a drink made of lemon juice, sugar, and water 26. Limeade: a drink made of lime juice, sugar, and water 27. Marinade: a savory sauce used to flavor and/or tenderize meat; the verb form is marinate 28. Marmalade: a jelly that includes pieces of fruit and fruit rind 29. Masquerade: a party whose attendees wear masks and costumes, or the costume itself; also, something done for show or to deceive, or to disguise, or a verb describing this type of behavior 30. Motorcade: a procession of motorized vehicles 31. Orangeade: a drink made of orange juice, sugar, and water 32. Palisade: a protective fence made of pointed stakes, or one such stake, or a line of cliffs suggesting a barrier 33. Parade: a procession or mobile array, a formation of troops or the site of the formation, people strolling or the place where they stroll, or a spectacle or a series of actions or efforts suggestive of such an exhibition; also, to perform one of these activities 34. Pasquinade: a satire 35. Promenade: a place where people stroll, or a public walk or ride undertaken for enjoyment or to show off, a march at the beginning of a formal ball in which all guests participate, or a movement in square dancing (in addition, the word from which prom is truncated); also, to undertake any of these activities 36. Renegade: one who defies normal standards of behavior or abandons one cause for another 37. Scalade: an archaic variant of escalade (see above) 38. Serenade: a musical performance intended to compliment the listener, especially one performed as part of a courtship, or a specific type of musical composition for a small group of performers 39. Stockade: an enclosure of posts or stakes constructed to keep prisoners in or the enemy out 40. Torsade: an ornament, especially for a hat, of twisted cord or ribbon Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Arrive To vs. Arrive At"Gratitude" or "Gratefulness"?20 Ways to Cry
Thursday, November 21, 2019
ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS - Essay Example Environmental components Environment cycle is another component and refers to a natural process that makes it possible for particular elements to be continuously cycled within the environmental compartments such s the soil, air and water. By the help of various environmental cycles it becomes possible for balance to be provided and enhanced to the environment as a whole. Environment cycles exist in a perfect state of unbalance and it’s only through interference by various elements that a state of instability becomes present thus leading to an endangering of both abiotic and biotic components within its existence (Elizabeth, 2012). A cycle in the environment basically refers to an act of transfer of a particular atom that follows another in a cycle and in the process waste products is eliminated thus leading to environmental stability. There are various environmental cycles that are present in the environment that include: carbon cycle –with carbon being the fourth most abundant element of the gaseous package of the environment. Carbon cycles take place through the ocean, land, atmosphere and the earth’s interior. ... Through decomposition of biological wastes by the involvement of microbes it also becomes possible for nitrogen to be released into the atmosphere. Human activity mainly involves the use of nitrogen as fertilizers (Gardner, 2011). Phosphorous cycle refers to the uptake of phosphorous by organisms. Rocks through the weathering process are that main producers of phosphorous in the environment and is mainly used by humans as fertilizers for their farm lands. Additionally water cycle simply refers to a process that makes it possible for water to be transferred from the atmosphere through condensation and its movement to the earth through precipitation after which it’s transferred to the normal atmosphere using basically the process of evaporation. In the first part of the report I will look at a more detailed understanding of the water cycle and focus on how human activities impact the process of water cycle in the environment (Elizabeth, 2010). Methodology The research will answe r the question of how the environmental process of the water cycle is impacted by various human activities. My research will involve the use of secondary data sources which will be through a review of literature on this topic from books, peer reviewed sources and electronic sources. Discussion Understanding the water cycle The water cycle is also commonly referred to as the hydrologic cycle to describe the transitional stages and processes that relate to the movement of water in the environment. Generally the global water cycle can be understood through a deeper review of nine major processes that form a basis for its movement. As a cycle, the water cycle has no start or conclusion and is basically referred to as an infinite continuous process. Water cycle takes into
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
GDP as a measure of welfare Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
GDP as a measure of welfare - Research Paper Example This measures happiness directly by interviewing people about how they feel about their health, wealth, and education and then attaching weights to the respective responses.One good thing about this measure is that it measures the well-being by incorporating material and spiritual development side by side as explained by sustainable development, cultural values, conservation, and good governance. Country SWL IndexKuwait 240Uruguay 176South Sudan 120*Burkina Faso 156.67Zimbabwe 160Hungary 190Note: South Sudan SWL Index of 120 is for the greater Sudan before it seceded.(b) Kuwait versus UruguayWhere it compares poorly against Uruguay: Adult Literacy and Life Expectancy at Birth.Here it fares better against Uruguay: Real GDP per capita and Internet user population percentage.(c) GDP tends to determine most of the variables. The plot below is a display of the trend of the percentage each value contributes over time or ordered categories. GDP is not a good measu re because it does not take into account the specific distribution of the incomes to the hands of individuals. They could only be going to few hands hence it does not measure the general welfare of the people.One good thing about this measure is that it measures the well-being by incorporating material and spiritual development side by side as explained by sustainable development, cultural values, conservation, and good governance. Country SWL IndexKuwait 240Uruguay 176South Sudan 120*Uruguay 176South Sudan 120*
Monday, November 18, 2019
Computer Questions Short Answers Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Computer Questions Short Answers - Assignment Example 09- How/why is a branch instruction really a data movement instruction ANS: A branch instruction is not a data movement instruction because branch instruction jump from one instruction to another but don't move data from one instruction to another. 10- How can the speed at which an electrical circuit performs its function be increased ANS: Acircuitis an unbroken loop of conductive material that allows electrons to flow through continuously without beginning or end.Generally as the feature size shrinks, almost everything improves-the cost per unit and the switching power consumption go down, and the speed goes up. 11- What are the advantages of gallium arsenide (as compared to silicon) for the implementation of microprocessors ANS: It has smaller molecular size and thus (in theory) smaller circuits can be fabricated from it. It has both electrical and optical properties. 12- Why does the reliability of magnetic storage media generally decrease as recording density increases ANS: Higher density means less surface area per bit. Less surface area per bit means less mass of coercible material. Less coercible mass means reduced ability to hold a charge high enough to be reliably read and to allow for magnetic leakage, decay, and other destructive factors. 13- What factors contribute to the loss of data stored on tapes ANS: If system crashes leading to incomplete sessions. Hardware problems causing incorrect or incomplete write operations Corrupted media or databases. Due to malicious external agents like viruses and hackers 14- What are the advantages of optical data storage devices as compared to magnetic data storage devices ANS: Optical storage devices are read by... ANS: Optical storage devices are read by a laser beam. Generally they have a more limited storage capacity when compared to magnetic devices. However, one advantage is that they are more hard wearing than magnetic devices. ANS: When you decrease the buffer size you increase the number of "outside loop" operations, and thus you increase the load on the CPU. When you computer gets too busy it may not complete the buffer loop in time to deliver its samples to the mixing bus, which, in turn, has to deliver to the driver/soundcard. The result will be unpleasant cackling noise. ANS: Code 39 (also called Code 3 of 9) is an easy-to-print barcode commonly used for various bar-coding labels such as name badges, inventory and industrial applications. The Universal Product Code was the first bar code to be widely adopted from as early as April 1973 by the US grocery industry for product marking. Code 2 of 5, sometimes called Code 2 from 5 and the interleaved 2 of 5 barcodes can represent the digits 0-9. In use since the late 1960's, it is a popular choice for airline tickets, photo developing envelopes and internal warehouse systems. ANS: Bar code scanners are manufactured to read the
Friday, November 15, 2019
Identification of unknown soil bacteria
Identification of unknown soil bacteria INTRODUCTION Microorganisms play an extremely important role in soil ecology. Soil bacteria break down organic matter into simpler compounds (Clark). Bacteria in the soil play important roles in different biochemical cycles such as the carbon cycle (Clark). Decomposition is another important role that different bacteria take part in. Without bacteria the ecology of soil would be completely disrupted. The nutrient requirements that different bacteria need to survive decide where each bacteria can be found. Agricultural soil would have a completely different array of microorganisms then soil found in a forest would have. Different conditions such as moisture, nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide levels, temperature and pH of the soil will all determine which types of bacteria will live in thrive in agricultural and forest soil. The objective of this experiment was to try to isolate and identify one specific soil bacteria from either forest or agricultural soil. The bacteria in this report was isolat ed from agricultural soil and using the morphology of the individual cells and colony along the types of chemicals that would react with the bacteria along with what type of extremes the bacteria could survive in the bacteria was identified. METHODS Starting from an original one gram sample of agricultural soil a 10-2 dilution was created and used to create a Tryptic Soy Agar (TSA) streak plate (Robertson and Egger 2010). The cultures that arose from the streak plate were observed and the morphology of a specific colony was described and recorded (Egger 2010). A subculture was created from one colony on a new TSA streak plate. A gram stain was prepared using the original colony of soil bacteria and whether it was gram negative or gram positive was recorded (Robertson and Egger 2010). Using the new subculture several biochemical tests were performed. A single line of bacteria was streaked onto a starch agar plate and after incubation drops of iodine were added to the culture and if starch is hydrolyzed a color change occurred, results were recorded (Robertson and Egger 2010). On a Sulfide, Indole, and Motility (SIM) deep the bacteria isolate was stabbed into the tube  ¾ of the way down (Robertson and Egger 2010). After incubati on the deep was observed for movement away from the original line and three drops of Kovacs Reagent was added to see if a color change occurred (Robertson and Egger 2010). The results of the motility and H2S reduction tests were recorded. The bacteria isolate was also mixed in a peptone broth tube and after incubation a drop of Nesslers reagent and the loop of broth solution were mixed in a spot plate and the results were recorded (Robertson and Egger 2010). A loop of bacteria was put into ammonium sulfate and nitrite broth tubes. In a spot plate on loop of the ammonium sulfate broth was mixed with 1 drop of Nesslers reagent and another loop was mixed with three drops of Trommsdorfs reagent and a drop of dilute H2SO4 (Robertson and Egger 2010). Also in the spot plate the nitrite broth was tested with Trommsdorfs reagent and dilute H2SO4 as well as with concentrated H2SO4 and phenylamine (Robertson and Egger 2010). The results for the four tests were recorded. To test for denitrifica tion reagents A and B were added to the nitrate broth tube with the unknown bacteria and the color change of the tube was recorded (Robertson and Egger 2010). The unknown isolate was inoculated in a tube of thioglycollate medium and after incubation any growth in the tube was noted and recorded (Robertson and Egger 2010). To test the bacteria for catalase and oxidase bacteria was streaked on a TSA plate and after incubation drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide was put on one end of the streak and the formation or lack of bubbles was recorded for catalase, and oxidase was tested on the opposite end of the streak and the results were noted (Robertson and Egger 2010). To test what temperature the unknown bacteria grow best at 4 TSA plates were streaked with the bacteria and each plate was incubated at a different temperature, after incubation any growth on the plates was recorded (Robertson and Egger 2010). To test the optimal pH for the bacteria to grow the bacteria was inoculated into tubes that were each at a different pH (pH 3, 5, 7, 9) after incubation the pH that the bacteria grew the best in was recorded (Robertson and Egger 2010). TSA plates were also streaked with the unknown bacteria to test in what amount of sodium chloride it could grow in, plates with concentrations of 0,0.5, 2 and 5% sodium chloride were used any growth was recorded (Robertson and Egger 2010). RESULTS The unknown bacterium is rod shaped and gram positive and the colony formed is a raised white circle (Table 1). Tests showed that the bacterium was positive for ammonification and denitrification from NO3- to NO2- (Table 1). Catalase and oxidase test also were positive for this bacteria (Table 1). The bacterium is also a facultative anaerobe (Table 1). Table 1 also shows that the unknown bacterium does not exhibit motility. The unknown bacteria was found to hydrolyze starch, but was negative for reducing H2S (Table 1). The unknown bacterium also does not exhibit nitrification (Table 1). The optimal temperature of the unknown bacteria was found to be about 37 °C and had an optimal pH of 5 its optimal salt concentrations was also found to be at 0-0.5% sodium chloride (Table 1). DISCUSSION The soil bacteria key created by KN Egger (2010) was used to identify what family the unknown bacteria belongs to. The closest match that could be found using the Common Soil Bacteria Key was Actinomyces. A match could not be made to a genus. Actinomyce are a Gram positive, rod shaped family. Actinomyces are not found to reduce H2S or have significant motility. From the results in Table 1 we can conclude that the bacterium is a mesophile as well as an acidophile. We can also conclude from Table 1 that the bacterium is osmotolerant and a facultative anaerobe. Many different tests could have been used to further help identify the bacterial isolate; the most accurate tests would have been to test the DNA or nucleic acids of the bacteria. Many different biochemical tests could have been used such as lactose and glucose. No test result can be considered completely accurate the bacteria could have been contaminated as well as not every bacteria colony will behave exactly the same. It is ex tremely hard to classify a specific bacterium without several more tests to safely conclude that it belongs in the chosen group Actinomyces. REFERENCES Clark, FE. 1951. Bacteria in the Soil. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences. 7:78-80. Egger, KN. 2010. Common Soil Bacteria Key. UNBC Robertson, S and Egger, K. 2010. BIOL 203 Microbiology Laboratory Manual. UNBC.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Comparative Essay on Romantic Poetry - In London, September 1802 vs. :: English Literature
Comparative Essay on Romantic Poetry - In London, September 1802 vs. The World Is Too Much With Us Late and Soon - Wordsworth Wordsworth's poems initiated the Romantic era by emphasizing feeling, instinct, and pleasure above formality and mannerism. More than any poet before him, Wordsworth gave expression to unformed human emotion; his lyric "Strange fits of passion have I known," in which the speaker describes an inexplicable fantasy he once had that his lover was dead, could not have been written by any previous poet. The message that these poems sent across may be interpreted as being cynical and nostalgic towards the people, nation and the era in which the author lives. In The World is Too Much, the speaker angrily accuses the modern age of having lost its connection to nature and to everything meaningful: "Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers: / Little we see in Nature that is ours; / We have given our hearts away, a sordid boon!" He says that even when the sea "bares her bosom to the moon" and the winds howl, humanity is still out of tune, and looks on uncaringly at the spectacle of the storm. The speaker wishes that he were a pagan raised according to a different vision of the world, so that, "standing on this pleasant lea," he might see images of ancient gods rising from the waves, a sight that would please him greatly. He imagines "Proteus rising from the sea," and Triton "blowing his wreathed horn." This poem in a very clear manner shows the flaws of society and his views against such flaws. In London, September 1802 Wordsworth's views are not so clear. The use of such accusations "The Wealthiest Man among us is the best": /"For comfort, being, as I am, opprest". The foundation of this poem is not condemning all that is in his life but nature, rather he attempts to show the shortcomings of society in an effort to go back and reflect upon the lost ways of the past. This is supported with excerpts like "We must run glittering like a brook" and "No grandeur now in nature or a book" show the author's view that there is potential for society and that is has the ability to change. This is quite contrary to the pessimistic outlook of The World is Too Much. The structure of both these poems is that of an Italian sonnet much like many other famous sonnets Wordsworth wrote in the early 1800s. Sonnets are fourteen-line poetic inventions written in iambic pentameter. An Italian or Petrarchan sonnet is divided into two parts,
Monday, November 11, 2019
Effective Biblical Church Leadership
Africa International University A. I. C G. S. U Training College Church Youth Ministry Strategic Plan Period: 1st October 2012-31st December 2012 Unit Title: Church Administration Unit Code: PA 204 Presented to :Lecturer –Dinah K. Nyamai Presented by: Stephen Mutua Adm no: 12066 Background General Service Unit Training College Embakasi Church is a under the umbrella of Africa Inland Church of Kenya. We are situated in the Training College main compound. The Church main congregants are the Training college community and the surrounding neighbors.Since the church was started there has never been any active youth ministry. There has been growing need to meet the spiritual needs of the increasing number of youth church members. This has led the church administration to take a move to initiate and strategize on how to effectively the community at large. Thus, a need for a comprehensive and attainable strategic plan for the youth ministry be put in place to help our young people. Th e Church Strategic Plan for youth ministry will be for a period of three months from 1st October 2012- 31st December 2012.Our first main focus will be to equip the leaders who will thus help has a important means to reach the entire group. Time has come that the church has to seriously need to invest in the youth group for if we miss them then the churches will be at a threat of closing their doors tomorrow. This is because there will be no one of the young generation to be handed over the church leadership. Our strategic plan has been prepared in line with the Vision, Mission, goals of Africa Inland Church of Kenya; VISION: To equip and teach every church member in all wisdom, so that every church member may be mature in Christ; Col: 1-28MISSION: To fulfill the Great Commission of Our Lord Jesus Christ. (Matthew 28:19-20) Our Goals: 1. To fulfill the great commission of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Matthew 28:19,20;†Go therefore and make disciples of all nations†¦ 2. To instr uct and strengthen church members in the faith and holy living  3. To help Christians to stand firm on the scriptures principles  4. To show and demonstrate Christ's love and concern for people by engaging in selective community development projects based on biblical and evangelical principles and practicesOur Vision, Mission, Goal and objectives for the Africa Inland church General Service Unit Training College Embakasi youth ministry; Vision To be a youth ministry that effectively shares our faith and hope in Jesus Christ, (Acts 20:27), Mission: To nurture the youth in church so as to nurture their peers in Christ . Goal: To inspire, train and mentor Christ like youth leaders. Objectives: 1. By the end of October 2012, fifteen youth leaders will be trained to lead at least four youth members through personal Bible study and evangelism. 2.By the end of November 2012, all the trained leaders will evangelize to at least ten people mainly the youth in our surrounding church comm unity. 3. By the end of December 2012, youth leaders will be trained on how to effectively formulate youth programs. October – 2012. |ACTIVITY |HOW TO ACCOMPLISH THE ACTIVITY |WHO TO UNDERTAKE THE ACTIVITY |COST | | A three day seminar for the| The seminar takes place weekly on |Youth pastor, Youth Patron and the youth |Total cost is ksh 20,000. 0 | |youth leaders. |Saturday’s, starting from 9:am-3:30pm |chairman to organize the other youth |The facilitators will be honored | |The seminar topic will be how |We will have two facilitators for the seminar. |leaders to attend the seminar and be |with Ksh 1,000/= on everyday of | |to lead a Bible study group and| |available on time. |attendance . Thus totalcost foe them| |evangelism | |Youth leaders attending the seminar will |will be Ksh 6,000/=. | | |be fifteen. |Tea and snacks will cost kshs | | | | |4,000/= and Lunch will be Kshs | | | | |10,000/=. | ? Evaluation; At the end of the three day training seminar the le aders will undertake an exam and some practical presentation on what they have learned in the seminar. . November 2012 |ACTIVITY |HOW TO ACCOMPLISH THE ACTIVITY |WHO TO UNDERTAKE THE ACTIVITY | COST | | Youth leaders and other five | The group will divide themselves into four |Youth Pastor, Youth patron and The youth |Approximately Ksh 17,000. | |active members will evangelize in|groups. |chairman will lead the other group. |The amount ksh 12,000/= for lunch | |the area around the church |Evangelism will be a three day ministry taking |We expect twenty participants. and kshs 5,000/= for soda and | |community. |place weekly every Saturday of the week. A door | |snacks for the get together. | | |to door and one on one evangelism method. | | | | | | | | Evaluation; After end of evangelism each group will be giving their reports on how many people were saved, challenges the met in the field, follow up procedures adopted e. g contacts of those with specialn needs and the newly converted members. †¢ Fourth Saturday we will hold get together fellowship especially to welcome the new converts from the evangelism ministry. 3. December 2012 |ACTIVITY |HOW TO ACCOMPLISH THE ACTIVITY |WHO TO UNDERTAKE THE ACTIVITY |COST | | A two day seminar for youth |The seminar will take place weekly on Saturdays. The Christian education department |Kshs 7,000. 00 will be used to | |leaders on formulating smart youth |Leaders to be trained on how to identify youth |coordinator will facilitate the seminar. |cater for tea and snacks Kshs | |programs in line with the youth |needs and how to formulate programs in line with |All the fifteen youth leaders will attend |2,500. 00 and lunch kshs 4,500. 00 | |members needs. |how to overcome and reach those needs. |the seminar. |for the two days | Evaluation There will be an exam at the end of the seminar and each leader to formulate his or her program to be presented for discussion by all youth leaders. I believe with the above training foun dation for the leaders will be an important tool to be used in the ministry to reach even more and more in the community at this time when young men and women are vulnerable to all manner of social entertainment and vices. With the help of the trained leaders we will be able to reach many and unto their personal spiritual needs.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Your Headline Analyzer Is Now Built Into CoSchedule
Your Headline Analyzer Is Now Built Into You already know the importance of writing awesome headlines: Youre competing with 56.6 million blog posts published every month (and thats just WordPress alone). Only two out of 10 people click through to read your blog posts- but you can increase that number with awesome headlines. Solid headlines influence more clickthroughs from search engines, social media, and email. Thats why we built the headline analyzer to help you write better headlines than ever before. And now you can write your awesome headlines even easier since the headline analyzer is built right into your  marketing calendar! Your #Headline Analyzer Is Now Built Into [New Feature]You read that right- the headline analyzer you use to write emotional headlines that will increase the clickthroughs to your blog posts is now a core part of your editorial calendar right in . You can use the headline analyzer in to: Add emotional value beyond a keyword-only, generic headline to help you rank in search engines while connecting with real people. Focus on the types of headlines that are proven to generate more traffic: List posts, how-to, and question. Score and grade your headlines based on their emotional value to improve social shares and clickthroughs. Find the best length for your headlines as you use them for search engines, email subject lines, and social shares. Gauge your sentiment to focus on extremely positive or negative emotions to improve your headlines performance. How To Use The Headline Analyzer In Your Marketing Calendar Writing multiple headlines for every piece of content is a good creative practice to help you publish better headlines consistently. With the headline analyzer, youll start with your root keyword for your content, then build upon the idea. That practice is something Upworthy does for every blog post they publish. In fact, they write 25 headlines for every blog post! The problem is that if you write 25 headlines, they disappear afterward- when in reality, seeing your headline history can help you continue to write better headlines. Oh, and the alternative headlines you create can serve as inspiration for social messages. The headline analyzer helps you through this creative process so you can write multiple headlines and review your headline history at any time. Thats super helpful because now you can: Include writing headlines as part of your workflow and manage the entire process right in . Write headlines in the marketing tool where you manage everything else- even writing your blog posts with s custom editor or integrations like WordPress, Evernote, and Google Docs. Use the time you spent on a headline brainstorm as inspiration for the social messages you schedule through . Its exciting to bring you one of your most-requested features! Now go forth and prosper with an even better way to write awesome headlines.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Definition and Examples of Meaning in Linguistics
Definition and Examples of Meaning in Linguistics In semantics and pragmatics, meaning is the message conveyed by words, sentences, and symbols in a context. Also called lexical meaning or semantic meaning. In The Evolution of Language (2010), W. Tecumseh Fitch points out that semantics is the branch of language study that consistently rubs shoulders with philosophy. This is because the study of meaning raises a host of deep problems that are the traditional stomping grounds for philosophers. Here are more examples of meaning from other writers on the subject: Word Meanings Word meanings are like stretchy pullovers, whose outline contour is visible, but whose detailed shape varies with use: The proper meaning of a word . . . is never something upon which the word sits like a gull on a stone; it is something over which the word hovers like a gull over a ships stern, noted one literary critic.(Jean Aitchison, The Language Web: The Power and Problem of Words. Cambridge University Press, 1997) Meaning in Sentences It may justly be urged that, properly speaking, what alone has meaning is a sentence. Of course, we can speak quite properly of, for example, looking up the meaning of a word in a dictionary. Nevertheless, it appears that the sense in which a word or phrase has a meaning is derivative from the sense in which a sentence has a meaning: to say a word or phrase has a meaning is to say that there are sentences in which it occurs which have meanings; and to know the meaning which the word or phrase has, is to know the meanings of sentences in which it occurs. All the dictionary can do when we look up the meaning of a word is to suggest aids to the understanding of sentences in which it occurs. Hence it appears correct to say that what has meaning in the primary sense is the sentence. (John L. Austin, The Meaning of a Word. Philosophical Papers, 3rd ed., edited by J. O. Urmson and G. J. Warnock. Oxford University Press, 1990) Different Kinds of Meaning for Different Kinds of Words There cant be a single answer to the question Are meanings in the world or in the head? because the division of labor between sense and reference is very different for different kinds of words. With a word like this or that, the sense by itself is useless in picking out the referent; it all depends on what is in the environs at the time and place that a person utters it. . . . Linguists call them deictic terms . . .. Other examples are here, there, you, me, now, and then. At the other extreme are words that refer to whatever we say they mean when we stipulate their meanings in a system of rules. At least in theory, you dont have to go out into the world with your eyes peeled to know what a touchdown is, or a member of parliament, or a dollar, or an American citizen, or GO in Monopoly, because their meaning is laid down exactly by the rules and regulations of a game or system. These are sometimes called nominal kindskinds of things that are picked out only by how we decide to name the m. (Steven Pinker, The Stuff of Thought. Viking, 2007) Two Types of Meaning: Semantic and Pragmatic It has been generally assumed that we have to understand two types of meaning to understand what the speaker means by uttering a sentence. . . . A sentence expresses a more or less complete propositional content, which is semantic meaning, and extra pragmatic meaning comes from a particular context in which the sentence is uttered. (Etsuko Oishi, Semantic Meaning and Four Types of Speech Act. Perspectives on Dialogue in the New Millennium, ed. P. Kà ¼hnlein et al. John Benjamins, 2003) Pronunciation: ME-ning Etymology From the Old English, to tell of
Monday, November 4, 2019
Critical Analysis of the Article from both POSITIVE and NEGATIVE Essay - 1
Critical Analysis of the Article from both POSITIVE and NEGATIVE aspects - Essay Example king a cross sectional data thus making it a very comprehensive study to understand service quality from different perspectives and according to different behaviors. This paper has undertaken a very comprehensive approach while dealing the issue of service marketing and how service quality contribute towards achieving organizational objectives. The overall issue is to address some of the conceptual issues and frameworks which earlier research has failed to undertake thus were left behind. Authors have focused on overcoming the shortcomings of the earlier research undertaken and the tried to fill the gaps left by the earlier researchers in understanding service quality and its association with different components. The antecedents Model of service quality is developed in a response to the overall focus of the earlier research to consider different variables like reliability and comfort as the components of the service quality but the authors have described them as the antecedents of the service quality thus differing from most of the earlier studies. The reason for undertaking a longitudinal study has been to develop a sort of model which succeeds in measuring the expectations before the service whereas to measure so called disconfirmation after the service. This therefore offers a relatively greater flexibility and breadth to undertake the study in relatively larger context wit focus on the development of an approach which provides answers to some of the critical questions related with the subject. The longitudinal as well as cross sectional nature of the study therefore offered writers a chance to study various frameworks and to develop a framework which can encompass different consequencs, mediators as well as the antecedents of the service quality. What is however, lacking in this article is the approach undertaken and very nature of the study. Over the period of time, services and their basic perception held by the customers have changed thus giving rise to
Saturday, November 2, 2019
How were the pyramids at Giza Constructed Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
How were the pyramids at Giza Constructed - Essay Example The great pyramids consist of huge stone blocks, carefully measured out and carved, and then slotted in to fit a perfect geometric shape on a truly colossal scale. Scientists today are still trying to figure out how a nation without modern lifting equipment and mechanized transportation could possibly have had the technical skill and physical power to construct these tall edifices in the sandy ground. The fact that the Egyptians possessed such a capability is undeniable, since the pyramids are still standing there as evidence. How these people managed this great feat is, however, a deep mystery. It has long been recognized that the ancient Egyptians used ramps and wooden sleds to transport huge blocks of stone from the quarries to the building site, and that there is no evidence that they knew about the wheel, the pulley or the derrick (Dunham, 1956, p. 161). It seems that they just built ramps and used many thousands of workers, and this simple explanation is widely accepted. Another, much more radical theory has been advanced by Danish scholar Erich von Dà ¤niken who argues that it would have taken human beings some 600 years to build the great pyramid of Cheops, the largest of the pyramids at Giza, shifting more two and a half million blocks of stone (Von Dà ¤niken, 1970, p.96) and using tens of thousands of workers at any one time. He theorized that there was insufficient food and shelter for such a number of workmen in the largely desert land around the area, and that therefore the ancient Egyptians must have had help from some supreme god-like beings from outer spac e. Assembling arguments gathered from other massive structures across the planet, and from legends about Egyptian gods such as Ra, who â€Å"travelled through the heavens on a bark†(Von Dà ¤niken, 1970, p. 94), the theory of ancient aliens helping to build the pyramids emerged. The two theories outlined above argue on very different principles. Von Dà ¤niken’s argument is based on vivid
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Natural Law Jurisprudence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Natural Law Jurisprudence - Essay Example Jurisprudence implies creating a body of law and methods for interpreting the law, studying the relationships between law and society, and predicting the effects of legal decisions . It is the science or philosophy of law. It applies to substantive law and to the legal system in general. It is based on the fundamental principle of 'just society' which means in a democratic country, all are equal and their rights (personal and property rights) should be protected before law. Judges apply it without favor or fear. Jurisprudence implies creating a body of law and methods for interpreting the law, studying the relationships between law and society, and predicting the effects of legal decisions.(Wikipedia) . The purpose of jurisprudence is to "achieve social order through subjecting people's conduct to the guidance of general rules by which they may themselves orient their behavior" (Fuller 1965, 657). The word ' Teleology is derived from the Greek word 'telos, which means "goal", purpose".(- page : socillogy 3rd ref ). The ancient world was permeated by teleological thought, that is, a belief that everything has a pre-ordained purpose - there's a pattern to the world and to each thing in it . (Socrates, Aristotle, the Stoics - also the Oracle in The Matrix). It is based on the Greek concept of 'eudemonism' which means that people live a satisfying life based on Universal laws. The Greeks viewed the universe as self correcting." The state, like all things, has a certain end. A just state is one that is organized in such a way as to achieve this teleological purpose."( Plato : The Republic)."Within the state, every person has a role or function, and 'just conduct' lies in fulfilling his or her role. "( Aldous Huxley's novel Brave New World). Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas were great supporters of teleology .Whether " Natural Law Jurisprudence automatically lends itself to the teleolo gical approach" In order to analyze this question , first we have to understand the characteristics of Natural law and teleology . Natural Law Jurisprudence has the following distinguishing features which separates it from teleological law . i. Natural law is universal and unchanging - it's always available to legislators, judges and citizens of any jurisdiction in the field of justice - correcting wrongs and distributing goods (Harris) ii. The sources of natural law are customs, usages, case laws and precedents iii. It is discoverable by human reason iv. Natural law attempts to analyze, explain, classify, and criticize entire bodies of law, ranging from contract to tort to constitutional law. v. It commands obedience from people and people obey it in moral sense. vi. In the US and many parts of the world, Natural Law has become very much influential. vii. International law derives its validity from natural law. International Law is based on the principles of Natural law jurisprudence. UN Charter recognizes natural rights, and principles. viii. The formation of the
Monday, October 28, 2019
Danshui Plant recommand for managemnt accounting perspective Essay Example for Free
Danshui Plant recommand for managemnt accounting perspective Essay Danshui Plant No.2 is facing insufficient information for Wentao Chen, manager of Danshui Plant, to evaluate the performance of their production for the first quarter of their contract to assemble the Apple iPhone4. They were anxious as their target to produced 200,000 units of iPhone per month was unachievable as they could only produce 180,000 of units per month. Wentao Chan had called Jianye ma to request a summary of monthly operations, unfortunately Bingqian Li was uncomfortable with the report. In order to know what really going on, Li wants to prepare the flexible budget to compare the actual performance to the budget. Use of flexible budget allows the management to have a control and real time monitoring of business operations. This is because, it is prepared with the different line values for different sales projections. Besides that, it is become useful planning tools and help to react to the changes more efficiently. Since the company does not have enough information about the shortage of production of iPhone, the company still need to consider the possible causes of the problem. For examples, the problem may caused by the weaknesses of the plant that is used by the company to produce the iPhone. As we know before this, the plant is used to produce the computer hardware, and now it is used to produce the iPhone. Here, we can see that the capacity of the plant is unable to produce the iPhone. Besides, we know that the company need to produce more than 200,000 units of iPhone every month for the rest of 9 months dues to the shortage of the plant to produce the desired quantity of iPhone that being set by the company target, they should upgrade the maintenance of the plant that suits to assemble the iPhone. Besides that, the company can outsource some of the part of the iPhone from other company so that they could focus on the assembling the process only. By doinfg this, more labor could be assigned to assemble the iPhone and as a result, the amount of production will be lower due to the reducing in labors and material cost. Indirectly, all the material cost in producing the parts will be much lower as it will be taken by the outsource company. Apart from that, the ability or skills of labours needs to be enhanced. There is no point if the capacity of the plant can be increase to produces more parts but the labours still assemble the same amount of the iPhone. Therefore, as a solution, Danshui Plant need to held an speed and short training program that could enhance the skills of their labours in order to achieved the target. As we know that the program might consumed times, but the results will be better. More labor can be hire and let them to experience such program to perform better than before. The increasement in labor cost will be covered by the material cost that is reduced due to the outsource activity before.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Theory Of Reasoned Action
Theory Of Reasoned Action CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.0 Introduction This chapter will deals with survey of literature review in the area of online purchase intention and perceived risk and its determinants. This section will discuss the dependent, independent and mediating variables and the relationship among the variables that might influence consumer perceptions of perceived risk towards online purchase intention. Researcher was replicates the framework from the study Factors influencing consumer perceptions of brand trust online by Hong-Youl Ha, 2004 and The influence of prior experience and age on mature consumers perceptions and intentions of internet apparel shopping by Wi-Suk Kwon and Mijeong Noh, 2009. The reason to choose this framework are because, this framework seem like fit with Malaysian culture and tradition. Although researcher was replicate the framework but some changes were made, which is researcher will combine both of the frameworks into one new framework and will test the framework into different setting of place. 2.1 Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) To make some improvement for the past studies, researcher will apply the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) by (Fishbein, 1980) and Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) by Ajzen in 1991. Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) by Fishbein, 1980 was developed to explain how a consumer leads to a certain buying behavior, this theory asserts that attitude toward buying and subjective norm are the antecedents of performed behavior. Two antecedents which are (attitude and subjective norm) influence the purchase behavior additively (Ha, 1998). Two important propositions underlying the theory of reasoned action offered by Lutz (1991) are the first one is to predict a purchase behavior, it is necessary to measure a persons attitude toward performing that specific behavior, not only the general attitude toward the object around which the purchasing behavior is. The second one is, in addition to the attitude toward the behavior, TRA includes a second determinant of overt behavior namely the subjective norm (SN). SN is intended to measure the social influences on a persons behavior such as family members or friends and colleagues expectations. Sometimes in some situations expectation o f relevant from others may be a major factor in ultimate behavioral performances and simply not under the attitudinal control of individuals. Another study Lada et al., 2009, claim that according to the TRA, a persons intention is a function of two basic determinants, which are one personal in nature and the other one is reflecting social influence. The personal factor is the individuals positive or negative evaluation when performing the behavior and this factor is termed attitude toward the behavior. The second determinant of intention is the persons perception of the social pressure put on him or her whether to perform or not to perform the behavior in question and this factor is termed subjective norm since it deals with perceived prescriptions, (Ajzen and Fishbein, 1980). According to Ajzen and Fishbein, 1980), attitudes are a function of beliefs when someone believes that performing a given behavior will lead to mostly positive outcomes they may hold a favorable attitude toward performing the behavior, contrary a person who believes that performing the behavior will lead to mostly negative outcomes then they will hold an unfavorable attitude. The beliefs that underlie a persons attitude toward the behavior are termed behavioral beliefs while subjective norm is a function of beliefs that specify individuals or groups to think whether they should or should not perform the behavior and these beliefs which is underlying a persons subjective norm termed as a normative belief. A person who believes that most referents with whom they are motivated more to comply think, that they should perform the behavior will receive social pressure to do so (Lada et al., 2009). 2.2 Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) The second theory is Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), which is proposed by Ajzen in 1991 as an extension of the first theory discussed above which is theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) (Fishbein, 1980). (Ajzen and Fishbein, 1980), the TPB has been used by many researchers over the past 20 years and its shown to be able to predict a variety of intentions and behaviors perform by persons. According to Ajzen (1991), a persons action is determined by their behavioral intentions, which in turn are influenced by an attitude toward the behavior and subjective norms as discussed above. (Azjen, 1991), behavioral intentions are factors that capture how people are willing to try to perform a behavior, behavioral intention also the most influential predictor of behavior and its shown that in TPB constructs, intention was a better predictor of behavior. In the TPB, attitude toward the behavior is defined as ones positive or negative feelings about performing a specific behavior and determined through an assessment of ones beliefs regarding the consequences which is arising from ones behavior and an evaluation of the desirability of these consequences. 2.3 Conceptual Definition of Dependent Variable (Online Purchase Intention) It is best to start this study by explaining what an online purchase intention is it in order to give some idea and to dispel some common misconceptions that might occur. Purchase intention can be defined as a plan to purchase a particular goods or services in the future. Purchase intentions is the likelihood that a consumer will buy a particular product in which resulting from the interaction of his or her need for it, attitude towards it and perceptions of it and of course from the company itself which produces the products or services (J. Baker, 1998). This study using definition from (Azjen, 1991), behavioral intentions are factors that capture how people are willing to try to perform a behavior, behavioral intention also the most influential predictor of behavior, intention also was a better predictor of behavior. 2.4 Conceptual definition of Mediating Variable (Perceived Risk) Risks is a part of everyday life and always come as a routine in between us and exist when there is a less than 100 percent probability that things will turn out as someone expected will happen (Baeur, 1967). Risks are different for different persons, according to Martin and Camarero (2008), some people view risk as a their inability to value the quality of the product directly, lack of personal contact with the salesperson, the cost involve of learning on how to use the internet, cost switching different channels, security of payment and personal information. Whilst others, view risk as a (Stone and Gronhaug, 1993) degree of uncertainty about the outcome of an action which might carries the possibility of physical harm or damages. Manzano et al., 2008 offered six dimensions of perceived risk which are security risk, privacy risk, performance risk, time loss risk and social risk. Whilst Beardon and Mason, 1978 proposed different dimensions of perceived risk namely, financial risk, social risk, performance risk, psychological risk and physical risk. Although there are different kind of names or term used but the meaning is quiet same in a context of online shopping. Financial risk or security risk share a same meaning, it can be incurred when customers financial circumstances are damaged because of loss of money in cash or via credit card (March, 2006; Manzano et al., 2008). Social risks come through purchasing process that is perceived to be down-market (March, 2006). Littler and Melanthiou, 2006 found that social risk is concerned with the possibility of attracting unfavorable attention and response from purchasing a particular product. Consumer attitudes to the different methods of purchasing highly depend on their characteristics. Performance risk according to (Littler and Melanthiou, 2006) is concerned with how well the product perform relative to expectations for example, the lack of personal contact with a salesperson prevent the consumer from correctly evaluating the characteristics of the product which in turn decreasing confidence (Ba, 2001) among consumer. It is good if consumer can try out the product they will buy before they make a payment, (Gerrard and Cunningham, 2003) in their study reveal that the opportunity to conduct a trial before make payment provides the necessary confidence to consumers with high perceived performance risk. Whilst March 2006, implies that performance risk is occur when a product does not fulfill its functio n as expected especially services which may take risk time wasted in waiting. Time loss risk happen when consumer incur time costs from using online purchasing, the time of learning how to buy on a certain products, the time to wait for respond or the time for searching process( Littler and Melanthiou, 2006). Physical risk leading with purchases that might include products which are unsafe or will cause physical harm to the user or in services, allow customers to take risks whilst undertaking risky activity such as cycling (March, 2006). The last dimensions of perceived risk are psychological risk, which may be caused by consumers wearing unfashionable clothes, leading to the social risk of not fitting in and in turn will decrease confidence level among consumer. We do not always accurately perceive the threats of risks, accurately understanding and effectively eliminating or limiting risks are part of the survival and safety especially in online industry. Risk management must be an active part of facility marketing manager duties, risk should be well manage to control the financial and personal injury loss from sudden, unforeseen, unusual accident, and intentional torts (Ammon et al., 2004). In summary, for the purpose of this study, perceived risk can be summarize as a degree of uncertainty about the outcome from an action which carries the possibility of physical harm especially in financial and information fraud. Hence, this study assumes customer perceived risks are all the six dimensions discuss above which are, security risk, privacy risk, performance risk, time loss risk and social risk. 2.5 Conceptual definition of Independent Variables 2.5.1 Security Theres a various definition of security, Yoo and Donthu, 2001; Wolfinbarger and Gilly define security as to protecting the user from the risk of fraud and financial loss. According to (Milne et al., 2004), security often breaches of internet transmissions and databases enable the unauthorized use of consumers confidential information from third parties such as, name, address, password, social security and credit card numbers and, often result in identity theft. In reality, the prospect of privacy losses and information misuse in e-commerce settings may offset any convenience, time, and financial savings afforded to consumers thus by providing security for consumers will lead to customer satisfaction and in turn will decrease risk perception among consumers. Unfortunately, security breaches are occurring at a growing rate from time to time. Indeed, Miyazaki and Fernandez (2001) found that internet users highly concerns with regard to online shopping were privacy, system security breaches from third parties in which due to faulty technological security and security breaches in the form of fraudulent online retailer behavior. Security plays a vital role on customer trust and customer satisfaction, thus by providing security to consumers will lead to brand trust and would expect (Mayer et al., 1995) security decrease risk perceptions among consumers. On the other hand, Krisnahmurthy (2001) also found that consumers who experience positive security leads to improvements in the levels of familiarity on the web, accordingly security should affect brand trust as well as decrease risk perceptions. 2.3.2 Privacy Consumers patronizing an online service which requires the regular transmission and remote storage of confidential information may perceive elevated concerns regarding threats to the privacy of their personal and confidential information is very important during online transactions (Mauricio et al., 2007). Privacy refers to protection of personal details implicit or explicit agreement and not to sell or exchange the personal information gathered from consumers during transactions (Yoo and Donthu, 2001; Wolfinbarger and Gilly, 2003). Another definition of privacy from (Parasuraman et al., 2005) is the claim of individualsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦to determine on when, how, and to what extent information about them is communicated to others. (Caudill and Murphy, 2000; Sheehan and Hoy, 2000) proposed in their studies that consumer concern for information privacy is considered one of the most important issues nowadays. Fried (1998) was one of the earliest modern scholars to evaluate the notion of privacy; he argued that privacy is especially valuable since it allows people to conduct online transactions that result in trust, which would not be possible in the absence of privacy. Caudill and Murphy (2000) argued that both public and private information should be included in the debate regarding privacy since technologies today are making it increasingly easier to move private information into the public domain, which will cause consumers serious concerns regarding their private information. If the private information going into public meaning that, there is no privacy at all and this will cause distrust among customers and will lead to unsatisfied customers. 2.3.3 Brand Name Theres are various definition of brand, one of the definition is proposed by Bennett, 1988 claim that a brand is a name, term, sign, symbol, design, or any combination of these concepts, used to identify the goods and services of a seller. Keller (1998) states that brand name are one of the main factors facilitating the development of brand awareness or familiarity. The more specialized and reputable a brand name is in selling or recognizing the product or service, the more highly will its brand trust be perceived by consumers. Choosing a brand name for a consumer product or service is so critical that some writers argue it is one of the most important marketing management decisions that marketing manager should take highly considerations about choosing a brand name (Landler et al., 1991). A well chosen brand name can provide a customer with a symbolic meaning which assists in both the recognition of the product and the decision-making process (Herbig and Milewicz, 1993), it is also can produce a number of specific advantages including suggesting product benefits (McCarthy and Perault, 1990), contributing to brand identity, simplifying shopping, implying quality (McNeal and Zerren, 1981), evoking feelings of trust, confidence, security, strength, durability, speed, status and exclusivity and at the end of the day can decrease risk perceptions (Shimp, 1993). The more positively the persons perceived the brand, the higher the consumers brand awareness and loyalty, allowing the firm to command larger margins, higher market share, more inelastic consumer response to price increases, less vulnerability to competitive activity, increased marketing communications effectiveness, additional brand extension opportunities and other competitive advantages such as distribution leverage, customer satisfaction and as well as decrease risk perceptions (Keller, 1998). 2.3.4 Word of Mouth Word of mouth (WOM) plays a vital role in consumer behavior because Word of mouth (WOM) would affect purchase and intention to purchase and also experience of other consumers by conveying their consumption experience of others, namely the satisfaction or dissatisfaction after the purchasing process occur. WOM is commonly defined as informal communication about the characteristics of a business, services or a product which occurs between consumers (Westbrook, 1987). Most importantly, WOM also allows consumers to exert both informational and normative influences on the product or service evaluations and purchase intentions to fellow consumers (Bone, 1995; Ward and Reingen, 1990). According to Ha, 2004, WOM has been shown to influence awareness, expectations, perceptions, attitudes, behavioral intentions and behavior towards a product or services. Online shopping consumers will perceive higher purchase risk than that of the traditional shopping since the purchase occurs in virtual space rather than face to face transactions. They will accordingly rely more on WOM information to reduce uncertainty and purchase risk to make decisions (Kim and Song, 2010). According to Assael (1995), since online shopping has higher purchase risk than face to face interactions, (Richins and Shaffer, 1987) consumers carry out WOM action to obtain market information while making buying decision especially consumers who rely more on WOM as they perceive higher risks. Nowadays, there a growing body of evidence that the internet based opinion mechanism influence consumers when making a purchase such as blogs, social network (facebook, myspace, twitter) (Hong, 2006) and this is a new form of word of mouth communication and is known as electronic Word of Mouth (e-WOM). e-WOM is any positive or negative communication among the potential, current or former customers about a product, services or company that is available to public on the internet. Indeed, (Sen, 2008; Sen and Lerman, 2007) claimed that the impact of e-WOM is not as effective as the traditional face to- face word of mouth (WOM). In contrast, Steffes and Burgee (2009) found that the information gained from the e-WOM forum is more influential and beneficial in decision making process rather than speaking with friends in person (WOM). 2.3.5 Good Online Experience Often consumers tend to remember best the last experience they encounter (the recency effect): thus, one positive experience may be sufficient to alter perceptions of more than preceding negative experience, and vice versa (Ha, 2004). Experiences are sometimes confused with services, but experiences are as distinct from services as services also distinct from goods because experiences exist only in the mind of the individual. They are rich with emotional, physical, intellectual, or spiritual sensations created within the consumer during transactions (Kotler et al., 2005). According to Pine and Gilmore (1999), An experience occurs when a company intentionally uses services as the stage, and then goods as props to engage individual customers in a way to create a memorable event that consumer will remember best. The more satisfied the customer with the experience that the web sites offer, the more durable is the relationship among consumer and that particular brand (Buchanan and Gillies, 1990), and the relationship is highly depends on the customers experience, whether positive or negative experience. Experience plays a vital role in trust by making it possible to compare the realities of the firm with customer preconceived expectations. Ganesan (1994) goes further, and views experience as an antecedent to build brand trust among customers which in turn will lead to making purchasing. Usually customers expect Web sites to offer them not just a message, but a positive experience such as, security and privacy, ease of use, web site design and aesthetic elements and interactivity. The ease of use of the web sites is important factor which refers to the layout and design of the web site and the ease of making ones way around it, how the users perceives and interacts with the site, and how easy t o use it (Nielsen, 1999). While (Steur, 1992) covers the web sites design and aesthetic elements as a representation of the web site environments, associated with its formal characteristic such as graphics, colors, images, icons, animated sequences, videos and pop -ups which will influence customer to trust the web site as well as to proceed at the end action which is making purchasing. (Yoo and Donthu, 2001) claim that these elements has contribute to the atmosphere of the web site and are important in evaluating the web site experience. Thus, if the web sites offer all of this experience to customer will lead to customer satisfaction and build brand trust among customer thus will decrease customer risk perception. General speak in detailed, the fact that it easy to access and use the site, including the access speed and the overall guide design and layout, as well as the information provided; requirement fulfillment refers to whether the sites handling and goods delivery in a systematic way; system accessibility refers to whether the site has been technology based or still using a traditional based, or is vulnerable to attacks; and privacy, also known as security, refers to whether the site can keep the customers information secret and payments safe (Sheng and Liu, 2010) are experience that customer want in which we can called it positive experience will lead to customer satisfaction and purchase as well as to build brand trust. 2.3.6 Quality of Information There is various definition of information. Some writers make no distinction between data and information (Wang et al., 1998) while some writers see the differences as most crucial (Tozer, 1999). Information is logically derived from theories or principles, it is an artifact. The producer of information has an intention to produce a symbolic meaning of certain entities or events, put it into a context, assign it into a pre defined meaning and then transmit the information into receiver. The producer of information expected that the receiver will capture the meaning as intended (Lillrank, 2002). Consumers search for information in their pre-purchase search process for a product or service they intend to buy thus, by providing effective information does lead to improved awareness and brand perception among consumers (Aaker and Joachimsthaler, 2000; Ha, 2002; Keller, 1998), particularly for individuals with high brand trust and high perceived risk (Duncan and Moriarty, 1998). Many online buyers indicate that their buying decisions mostly depend on the information offered online (Long Ching, 2009). Bickart and Schindler (2001) found that consumers who gathered information from online discussions namely electronic word of mouth (e-WOM) reported greater interest and intention to buy in the product than did those consumers who gathered information from the marketer-generated sources. The main reason for this is highly likely to be the trust issue as raised in a study by Sen (2008). Customized information has become more important in internet nowadays based applications due to the multitude of choices that are available on the internet (Simonson, 2005; Ha, 2002). (Ha (2002), has shown that internet users are very interested in customized information offer by the web sites be this is because mostly firms today have added value by providing appropriate information to simplify the customers decision making process (Murthi and Sarkar, 2003). In addition, the source of the information is very crucial for a message to be effective and reliable and it often depends on the receivers perception of the senders trustworthiness and expertise (Kiecker and Cowles, 2001) they also suggest that the information also must be perceived believable, competent, valuable and trustworthy for information recipients. (Robinson and Kaye, 2000), found that consumers, who relied on online sources for more information, rated the online sources as more credible than other sources, so it is important tasks for managers to provide quality information online to gain trust from customers. Meyvis and Janiszewski (2002) reveal that irrelevant and lack in quality information will weakens consumers belief in the products or services ability to deliver the benefit. Hence, whether perceived quality of information is provided and, if it is provided, the quality of customized information for customers, also highly influence the level of brand trust and custom er satisfaction on the web (Ha, 2004). 2.4 Relationship among the Variables Individuals who perceive a low risk in online buying likely make decisions more quickly and less likely to take into account aspects outside of the web site. In contrast, individuals who are more fearful will behave in a more cautious way, searching for external information that warrantees a successful buying decision to decrease uncertainty in internet purchase (Martin and Camarero, 2008). Bhatnagar et al., 2000, reported that consumers were less likely to shop online in which perceived product performance risk was high than those with low product performance risk, consumers perceived risk negatively influences their intention to purchase products online. Customer who satisfied with the security, privacy and online good experience offered by the web sites will experience lower perceived risk and will have effect on the purchase intention. (Chen and Hsin, 2008) results show that consumers perceived risk towards specific online retailer with regards to purchase intention was influence by trust. As consumer trust increases because of decreasing perceived risk will influence consumer to make purchase (Chen and Hsin, 2008). 2.5 Summary This chapter reviewed literatures on consumer perception of perceived risk towards online purchase intention in detailed. Based on the findings from literature reviews, definition conception of online purchase intention, perceived risk, security, privacy, word of mouth, brand name, good online experience and quality of information are developed. In the last part of this chapter, the relationship between independent variables, mediating variable and dependent variable are constructed. Conceptualizing definitions of variables is important in order to construct a research framework in which would be discussed in chapter 3.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Computer and I :: Personal Narrative Writing
Computer and I Well, what can I say about the long history that computers and I have had. I can hardly remember a time when a computer was not part of my life. Ever since I was in elementary school I can remember going to the computer labs to learn all about computers. Back in the day though; this was fun stuff, all you did was go to the labs for a couple of hours and play computer games. I remember playing countless hours of Oregon Trail, but that also has to do with the fact that to play one games takes the longest time. The next step in my history with computers was the word processor. This was something my sister asked for on her birthday. The word processor days were not that bad. It was just like using a typewriter but being able to erase your mistakes. It was also interesting because if you wanted to you could switch it to typewriter mode and it would type without using the computer screen and so it was just like using an old typewriter. Some people might think that a word processor might be a little primitive but it is not. You could do many things with it, why everything the word processor programs have on your computer it used to have. You could do spreadsheet and most of the things that Microsoft programs can do now. Later on; my family purchased a computer, here is where things got kind of hard but better at the same time. Since I was young when we got it there was no need for me to be messing with the complicated things. All I ever did on it was use it for pure entertainment. Computers were fun then; but only when you where playing games. Soon came the years when I actually had to sit down and write a paper for class.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Lydia Hall
Lydia Hall’s theory of core, cure, and care theory can be easily integrated into practice. The core aspect of her theory describes the person that nursing care is directed towards and the individuals behavior due to their feelings and value system. The cure component is the attention given to patients by medical professions. These include interventions or actions that can be used to treat or cure the illness or disease that the individual may be suffering from. The last element, care, is about nurturing the patient and providing comfort measures. This also includes providing patient teaching.An example used to integrate Lydia Hall’s theory will be a patient that has just found out that he has diabetes type 1. The patient may first be overwhelmed at the thought of managing the disease, fear of being alone and fear of the disease in itself which describes the core aspect of the theory. In the cure component the actions that nurses may take is to perform physical assessmen ts including glucose level, assess respirations for Kussmaul respirations and acetonic breath, monitor temperature, moisture, weight, assess diet compliance, and intake and output.The interventions nurses can provide the patient is to maintain fluid intake at least 2500 ml per day to prevent dehydration. Also, a comfortable environment should be provided and inform of covering at night with a light sheet which would prevent overheating and excessive fluid loss. Lastly, the element of care provides the patient with education and discharge planning such as teaching of how to give insulin, checking blood sugar, exercise rules and dietary changes.Open communication assists the patient in being comfortable in asking questions and expressing fears of disease management, emotional and or social issues due to lifestyle changes. Lydia Hall’s Care Cure Core model suggests that patients have three needs of care: the physical, the medical, and the social needs. This encourages open commu nication between patients and nurses. Nurses responsibility when using this model is to provide physical, emotional or social support, educating patients and through medical managementPatient outcomes would be improved self esteem including confidence and motivation in managing their disease such as in diabetes self injection of insulin. Patients would also be more knowledgeable in the disease process such as importance of checking blood sugar and identifying symptoms of hypo and hyperglycemia. This model helps build rapport between the patient and nurse by assisting them to communicate their concerns and apprehensions pertaining to disease management.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
The Issue of Pesticide Content in Soft Drinks Essay Example
The Issue of Pesticide Content in Soft Drinks Essay Example The Issue of Pesticide Content in Soft Drinks Essay The Issue of Pesticide Content in Soft Drinks Essay In the August 10, 2006 news article of The Times of India, reports were made that after coming out from a cabinet meeting of the state’s Left Democratic Front (LDF) government, Kerala’s Marxist Achuthanandan said, â€Å"Neither Coke nor Pepsi can manufacture or sell their products in Kerala. Their licenses are being scrapped as well†(Surendran, 2006). Although LDF has been hostile towards the two multinational companies due to the over-extraction of groundwater by their bottling plants in Palakkad, it was the Centre for Science and Environments (CSE) campaign against alleged pesticide residues in colas produced and sold in India by Coke and Pepsi that has influenced the pronouncement. Though the cola producers might have not directly applied pesticide to the crops and instead, the traced pesticide residues might have come from the groundwater as seepage from other plants to which chemical have been applied, the fact remains that there is pesticide in the colas that are being used in Coca Cola production in India. In the latest news regarding traces of pesticides in colas in India, Sunita Naraian, a director of the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) and a New Delhi-based NGO, said that â€Å"the governments own committee had found pesticides in the products†before the Supreme Court. She further maintains that the government must agree to fix a mandatory standard for the drinks (Surendran, 2006). Conclusion In the beginning, soda’s or soft drinks were the natural choice preferred by drinkers because they equated bubbly drinks to wellness of health. But as time progressed, various additions and revisions have been made to soft drinks, which tickled the palates of its drinkers such as changing the sweetening agents and enhancing its appearance and packaging. These are the factors that cannot be found in water which makes millions of its drinkers prefer sodas or soft drinks over water, or any other noncarbonated beverage. Further, too many of its drinkers formed the habit of consuming it because of the addictive properties contained by some of its ingredients, thus resulting in the continuous patronage of the product regardless of the health problems found to have been caused by consuming it. The manufacturing processes involved in the production of sodas or soft drinks have changed in various ways too, from backyard operation to the modern soft drink industry operation. Although primitive to our standards today, the owners back then used to make the final products by themselves and were in close contact with their customers to check for comments or criticisms and to make necessary actions accordingly before the final product is produced. In modern times, the syrup mixture is produced by the soft drink companies and then delivered to the independent bottling companies all over the world that are licensed to sell the drink. One problem that faces the industry and questions the above-explained practices of soft drink companies is the issue of the pesticide residue in colas, which are used to produce soft drinks in India. Since there is no ample supply of safe drinking water in India and companies have to get underground water to supply their production needs, there comes a problem of quality soft drink production. Since underground water is susceptible to pesticide seepage, due in part from the agricultural practices of this region, the ingredients for making soft drinks becomes susceptible to pesticide contamination as well. Here is one specific display of the effects of soft drinks in the food web. Since the primary producers, which are the plants that produce the key ingredients for the soft drinks formula are contaminated by pesticide, so will the soft drinks be affected. These soft drinks will then be consumed by people and in some cases, by pet animals. Since pesticide causes harm to the human body, it can be said that its consumption can be detrimental to human beings as a whole. This is true not only for the case of pesticide content in soft drinks in specific, but also for the other empirically proven problems that soft drink could be causing to the health of human beings such as obesity, diabetes, cancer, liver cirrhosis, osteoporosis, and many more. When human beings incur diseases due to soft drink consumption, or worse when human beings die untimely, a crucial element of the food web is taken away. It could be said that human beings are the largest consumers in the food web. In view of the worse case scenario, take them away from the system and the entire system could collapse. In a more simplistic term, soft drink consumption affects the food web because soft drinks become more preferred substitutes to the natural products of the food web such as milk, water, natural fruit juice, and even for solid food. Thus, when human beings deviate from their natural consumption pattern in terms of the food web because of soft drink consumption, the entire food web could be altered too. On a lighter note, soft drink companies have been aware that people aspire to have a healthy body. Reports linking sodas or soft drinks to obesity and to many other grave diseases are causing concern for both consumers and the makers of soft drinks. These propelled external agents to make guidelines for soft drink production, to which soda or soft drinks companies hope to comply by marketing ‘healthy sodas’. Observably, this is why the trend now is to fortify soft drinks with minerals and vitamins. However, it must still come into question whether or not these healthy options really do eliminate or minimize the negative effects of soft drink consumption in the human body, and thus in the food web too. Whatever warnings concerned organizations give to soft drink consumers against soft drink consumption, it still boils down for the public to decide whether they will continue patronizing and consuming soft drinks or not. And in as much that there has been an advent of the so-called ‘healthy options’ nowadays, there comes a need for people to develop ‘healthy decisions’. References American Association for State and Local History, Society of American Historians (1947). American Heritage. (pp. 11-12). New York, N. Y. : American Heritage Pub. Co. Bellis, M. (2007). The History of Pepsi Cola Caleb Bradham. Retrieved March 31, 2007 from http://inventors. about. com/library/inventors/blpepsi. htm
Monday, October 21, 2019
The Withered Arm Essays
The Withered Arm Essays The Withered Arm Paper The Withered Arm Paper Essay Topic: Literature In this essay I am going to try my best to answer the question Who do you think is to blame for the tragedy of The Withered Arm? I will attempt to include as much information and reasons to whom I think is to be blamed and why. I will try to justify these reasons with various quotes and descriptions by referring to the text. Thomas Hardy was born in 1840 and died in 1825. He was a great novelist who wrote many famous novels such as Mayor of Casterbridge and Far From The Madding Crowd. These novels are now known for being classic literature. Most of the novels he wrote were depressing and ironic. The Withered Arm is one of many Thomas Hardy short novels, it is set in the late 1800s in a village called Holmstoke that has a small rural community of mostly milkmaids. There are three main characters in this novel they consist of: Farmer Lodge; a wealthy and respected man, who is well known for his good reputation. Also there is Rhoda Brook; a not so wealthy woman and less fortunate than Farmer Lodge with a reputation of being a witch. Lastly there is also Gertrude Lodge; she is Farmer Lodges new wife. .. They say shes rosy-cheeked, titsy-totsy little body enough. They/The men become ill and frustrated. At the end of the story they have an argument, that ends tragically. Kayerts accidently kills Carlier because of some sugar he wants to have in his tea. On the next day, before the boat arrives, Kayerts kills himself/commits suicide. 2. This book is both a psychological thriller and a political statement. Written in 1896, Joseph Conrad gives an account of two white traders, Carlier and Kayerts, who are out- posted in Africa at a trading station. Although the Europeans do trade goods, their underlying purpose is to export civilization, from Europe to Africa. Carlier and Kayerts are living in colonial times. England and other European countries have control over Africa. The native people are seen as in need of being civilized. 3. As the steamer that drops them off fades into the distance, Carlier and Kayerts already begin to feel uneasy. Out in the jungle with no other Europeans to support their views about the world, they sense that they are out of their element, and not up to the task they have been assigned. Their predecessor lies.. 4. Summary 5. Kayerts and Carlier are put in charge of a remote and . unpromising trading station on a river. Its previous agent 7. died of fever and his grave, marked by a cross, forms part 8. of the outpost. The director of the trading company, who 9. predicts their failure, leaves them with enough provisions 10. to last for the six months until his envisaged return. Makola, 11. ‘a civilized nigger’ who lives with his family on the outpost, 12. is responsible for the acquisition and storage o f ivory and is 13. in charge of the ten black men working (not very effectively) 14. at the post. The other group of natives, ‘Father’ Gobila’s 15. people, are friendly and provide the station with local 16. supplies. When a group of fierce-looking black strangers 17. appears in the compound, Makola behaves very strangely 18. and makes clandestine arrangements to sell the ten station 19. men to the strangers in return for six beautiful tusks that 20. are deposited in the yard. It gradually dawns on Kayerts 21. and Carlier that they have become involved in a terrible 22. crime, but after discarding their initial pangs of guilt are 23. omforted by the thought of lucrative commissions on the 24. ivory. The steamer is late, their provisions are running low 25. and the physical and mental state of the two white men 26. deteriorates rapidly. Demoralized by a quarrel over the last 27. lumps of sugar, they begin to fight, and Kayerts shoots the 28. unarmed Carlier in what he believes to be self-defence. 29. When the steamer finally arrives, the director discovers 30. Kayerts’s body hanging from the cross with his tongue 31. disrespectfully stuck out at him. Withered arm In a novel structured around contrasts, the main opposition is between Swithin St Cleeve and Lady Viviette Constantine, who are presented as binary figures in a series of ways: aristocratic and lower class, youthful and mature, single and married, fair and dark, religious and agnostic†¦she [Lady Viviette Constantine] is also deeply conventional, absurdly wishing to conceal their marriage until Swithin has achieved social status through his scientific work, which gives rise to uncontrolled ironies and tragic-comic misunderstandings (Harvey 108). | †| Hardy’s stories take into onsideration the events of life and their effects. Fate plays a significant role as the thematic basis for many of his novels. Characters are constantly encountering crossroads, which are symbolic of a point of opportunity and transition. Far From the Madding Crowd tells a tale of liv es that are constructed by chance. â€Å"Had Bathsheba not sent the valentine, had Fanny not missed her wedding, for example, the story would have taken an entirely different path. †[13] Once things have been put into motion, they will play out. Hardys characters are in the grips of an overwhelming fate. [edit] Poetry Thomas Hardy was born and grew up near Dorchester in the county town of Dorset. Dorset was the inspiration of most of his work although he did include areas such as Devon, Somerset, Cornwall, Hampshire, Wiltshire, Berkshire and Oxfordshire. Various stories written by Thomas Hardy have been based, borrowed and enhanced from experiences told to many generations of the Hardy family. The areas the stories are set around are a fictional country called Wessex, based on the area he lived up in. By setting the stories in an area well known to Hardy he is able to go into detail, but also make them sound as realistic as possible. Hardy even uses the regional dialect to bring his stories to life and make the reader think they are there. By locating the stories in the countryside, Hardy gives the stories a slower, more relaxed way of life, with different values to those illustrating inner city life. The countryside generally consists of a closer network of people compared to the city life, because of the smaller more involved community, people may care more of what other individuals think of them which generates the different values, principles and morals. From the story, The Withered Arm, I have chosen to investigate the character, Rhoda Brook. In the story, Rhoda plays an interesting character, motivated by her initial jealously towards other people. Rhodas character is one that develops throughout the story. Hardy lets his readers imagine what Rhoda looks like as he gives little description of her physical appearance. He does state that she is tall from the quote, aâ‚ ¬Ã‚ ¦and if shes tall as tall as I taken from page 2. He also reveals she has dark eyes, a quote from page 5 follows Her eyes, then, are not dark like mine? This can be perceived in two slightly different ways. The obvious first is that of a physical feature. The second less apparent characteristic is of a devious, manipulative and possibly scheming aspect, perhaps based on her own personality. It is clear that Rhoda does not have the choice to work or not, and, later it becomes apparent that she lives on her own with her son, who is around the age of twelve. Rhoda is determined to ensure that her son admires her. His personal view of his mother is important to her; she may feel threatened by Farmer Lodges new wife and this maybe the reason why she sent her son out to see what she looks like. This inflicts a shallow, insecure view of herself, in that she believes physical characteristics are more significant than personality. As a mother it is important to Rhoda to protect her son from any idol gossip he may hear about her from the village where they live. This is possibly why they moved away. However, at the beginning of the story when the milking maids were talking about Rhoda and Framer Lodge she did not seem too worried about what other people thought of her. She wishes to keep her son away from anything that may encourage him to resent her. Rhodas relationship towards the male characters in the story is barely existent. Rhoda avoids conversation with most males. This may have something to do with past experiences; perhaps she had been hurt from previous relationships and now avoids any contact with the opposite sex. She possesses a great amount of hatred towards Farmer Lodge this may be, for not accepting or acknowledging her sibling on the account of their failed relationship. The only positive relationship Rhoda has with a male character in the story is her son, Jamie. The first impressions of Rhoda are noticeably different to the ones found whilst looking into her character more intensely. My personal first impressions of her were of a woman driven by jealously and the need to be in control of every situation. However, looking further into her disposition she simply has an insecure view of situations. To outside people she may come across as a strong character, though deep down, she is more emotional than the male characters in the story. Rhoda rarely involves herself with any conversation, however she is respectful towards other people, though on occasions she does misinterpret situations, which may be looked upon as disrespectful. This can be interpreted from the pages 9 to 10, where upon Gertrude appears at Rhodas house from some boots from her son. By the way Rhoda acts towards Gertrude implies to the reader that she is jealous and embarrassed, as she cannot provide for her own offspring. Another reason why Rhoda may have come across as disrespectful to Gertrude is because of her own fear of her son rejecting her. Within the small community in which Rhoda lives, other women view Rhoda as an outcast. From the beginning of the story in the cow dairy Thomas Hardy makes it clear to the reader that Rhoda is not very involved with local gossip and that perhaps she lacks communication with other people. An example of this is at the start in the dairy, when there is much conversation going on about Farmer Lodge, Rhoda does not get involved. This is reiterated when members of the cow dairy begin to talk about Rhoda behind her back. Rhoda makes no effort to confront these comments and presumably carries on with her work. Rhoda barely goes into her local parish and market, and usually sends her son to do any odd jobs for her. She says to him on page 2, I shall send you for a few things to marketaâ‚ ¬Ã‚ ¦ Rhoda and her son, also live considerably far away from the market, this was taken from, aâ‚ ¬Ã‚ ¦your house is the nearest outside our own parish. This may imply that Rhoda and her son live in the middle of two different parishes, or perhaps she does not live within a parish, both these suggestions cause difficulties for Rhoda if ever she wanted to be more involved with community events. Rhodas quirky character varies a lot, from other females that live within the network where she lives and works. However I feel there is a strong connection between Rhoda and Gertrude, in that they are both strong outcasts in the co mmunity. Event though much they may dispute it, their characters are very alike. The narrative viewpoint differs from each story. The Sons Veto and The Withered Arm are written by using an omniscient narrator, which is a use of narrator that is not a character within the story. Whereas, Tony Kytes the Arch Deceiver uses first person narrative. 1st person narrative is when the story is told by one of the characters point of view. This may seem more friendly and authentic because of the use of the local regional dialect. However by using one character to explain the story we can only experience and explore their feelings and point of view, which gives a biased and perhaps fiction analysis over situations. The omniscient style of narrative sees everything, which gives an unbiased view of what is happening in the story they are more truthful and factual then the use of a 1st person narrative. Depending on the different personalities of the readers influences the way they read and interpret different styles of writing. To some people omniscient narrative encourages them to sympathise towards particular characters, as they are aware of everything that is happening and all the different feelings from the characters are expressed, generated and articulated. However other readers may feel that because all the feelings of all the characters are expressed they are basic and therefore find it difficult sympathise and relate to any of the characters. 1st person narrative only gives the viewpoint from one character, this may encourage the reader to sympathise with the character telling the story as it persuades them that they are involved in the story, as the character is talking directly to them. However certain people may find it hard to sympathise with this style of writing as it may promote the curiosity of how other characters are feeling and as a consequence may cause the reader to reject the character telling the story. This can be related to the story, Tony Kytes the Arch Deceiver as the story ends we begin to feel a great amount of anxiety towards Tony because of the way he treats Milly. We do not sympathise with Tony. Whilst comparing and contrasting these stories I have noticed similarities and differences between them. Each character has strong and weak points about their personality. Rhoda is weak because she doesnt want to get hurt, Sophy is weak because she moved away from her village to avoid public mockery and Milly is weak for accepting Tonys marriage proposal knowing that she wasnt his first choice. However Rhoda is strong because she does not care what people think about her, she tends to rise above gossip also she is a single mother and has raised her child on her own. Sophy is strong because she has carried on living her life despite what happened to her after her accident. Milly is also strong because she has shown that despite how Tony has treated her she has stood up and shown she loves him by saying she will marry him. Rhoda and Sophy have learnt to put other people before themselves because each of them have children this may encourage them to be less selfish and learn to accept they cannot have everything in life. These two characters are different to the image and role of women during Hardys time. All the women have experienced failed relationships by the lack of commitment. Each of the women has become second best and has not experienced true love because of this. Sophy made sacrifices for her son, Rhoda has become second best to Gertrude and Milly was third best to Unity and Hannah. All the characters are perhaps viewed negatively by the local community. The character I respect the most is Rhoda because of her out going personality and the fact does not care what people think of her. In this essay I have investigated three main characters from the stories, The Withered Arm, Tony Kytes the Arch Deceiver and The Sons Veto. From this I have been able to identify any differences and similarities between the characters. The different female roles Hardy has explored through these short stories are realistic and believable, fore the particular time he has chosen to set them in. He has written about different situations and chosen carefully the types of personalities his characters will have. H. employs specific narrative techniques: he established historical distance Adopted a narrative technique called intradiegetical discourse which deploys an alternative internal narrator to the task of telling the tale. (local Historian, old surgeon,) He is master of this mode of discourse Narration structure:
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